Support Mikaela on her journey to the World Championships

$225 donated
Given by 9 generous donors in 4 weeks

Support Mikaela to attend the 2023 World Inline Speed Skating Championships in Italy


Mikaela began skating at her local rink when she was just 7 years old. After 8 years of dedication and hard work, she has been selected to represent New Zealand in the junior ladies' grade (15-19 years) at the World Inline Speed Skating Championships in Vicenza/Montecchio Maggiore, Italy from August 26th to September 3rd, 2023.

Mikaela is a dedicated athlete who trains six days a week with the goal of becoming a top finisher in her events. Her hard work has paid off as she has broken several age-grade records and currently holds four national junior ladies' titles.

Wearing the New Zealand uniform and representing her country is a great honour for Mikaela, and she is eager to compete against the world's best skaters.

Speed skating is 100% self-funded in New Zealand and Mikaela would appreciate any help to cover the costs of attending the Championships. With your support, Mikaela can showcase her skills on the international stage and gain valuable experience competing against the world's best skaters. Let's help Mikaela achieve her dreams!

Carissa Macdonald's involvement (page creator)

I am Mikaela's mother, chauffeur and support person.

Use of funds

Accommodation, flights, transport, insurance etc.

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Latest donations

Darryl on 02 Jul 2023
All the best Mikaela
Renee and Hazel
Renee and Hazel on 01 Jul 2023
All the best Mikeala
Jannene on 23 Jun 2023
All the best from the Tackneys ..
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jun 2023
Ainslie Pomeroy (Hirst)
Ainslie Pomeroy (Hirst) on 20 Jun 2023
All the best for the World Champs. From an ex Nelson Inline Skater. X

Who's involved?

Carissa Macdonald's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Carissa Macdonald on behalf of Mikaela Macdonald
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This campaign started on 7 Jun 2023 and ended on 7 Jul 2023.