Help us support Rennae on her Recovery journey.
Rennae grew up on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands (CI), the 2nd of 6 children she is strong, stubborn and has a passion for truly living life. Rennae developed a love of music early on, playing guitar and singing, as well as everything "outdoors" including her (un)trusty AG100 motobike. After High school (SHC-Napier) Rennae moved away from the Islands to see what life had to teach her before returning to the Chathams in Oct 2019 to raise her 3 young children among the same community that had shaped her own upbringing.
On Jan 13th 2021 Rennae made a Drs appt at CI Hospital to have a lump on her throat checked and the amazing staff there had her sent out to Christchurch Hospital on Jan 15th with mum (Eva) as a support person. After 2 biopsies, scans, tests and a lung drain (to correct a compressed lung) Rennae finally recieved her diagnosis on 4th Feb 2021. Hodgkins Lymphoma.
Her treatment will involve 6 months of Chemo therapy possibly followed by radiation and this all needs to be done in Chch. Rennae has already had to have all of her teeth removed due to damage caused during pregnancy that would increase the risk of infection during treatment and is now waiting for that to heal so she can begin the long road to recovery (Chemo).
Rennae will constantly need a support person with her; and Myself, Mum and Dad (Martie) will take turns being there with whatever she needs.
Any funds we can raise will help towards travel expenses (flights for Mum & Dad etc), anything Rennae needs (food, general living costs) and anything else that comes along that helps her face any upcoming challenges. If there is any funds left over at the end Rennae will use it to settle herself and her whanau back into everyday life.
Please even if you can't donate, share this page as much as possible and feel free to leave messages of support and encouragement for her to read along the way.
We all want to thank every one of you for the incredible outpouring of aroha and offers of help we have recieved so far, it is in times like this you realise just how large your village truly is.
I am Rennaes big sister constantly in awe of her strength
To help with travel/flight costs and day to day living expenses for Rennae and her support team.
Chemo start date 21 February 2021
Kia ora guys! So Rennae has been given her Chemo start date. She has her first treatment this coming Friday (26th Feb). Rennae, Mum, Pepi and Hamish have all just had their hair shaved. As always we Thank you for your ongoing support and ask that you continue to share as often as possible so we can keep this page visible and active.
Nga mihi