Support Ruth's Journey

$16,885 donated
Given by 194 generous donors in around 6 months

Please help to support Ruths Journey, as she navigates the next few years healing her body from Cancer.

Whangarei, Northland

In May 2023 Ruth was diagnosed with a grade 3 Breast Cancer that had already spread to her lymph nodes. This news was shocking and completely crushed Ruth and her family and flipped their life upside down. It was an extremely stressful and difficult time, & lead Ruth and partner Mike to make the heartbreaking decision to close down their amazing Art Studio ‘Journey’ in Whangarei.

She underwent surgery in June, and has now just completed 5 months of gruelling Chemotherapy. She is to start Radiation in Auckland which will take her the next 3/4 weeks.

This journey has been devastating and extremely challenging for Ruth & partner Mike and her boys. This treatment and the Journey of her Cancer diagnosis has caused significant emotional and financial strain on her and her family. Ruth is such a beautiful, caring and generous person, and her partner Mike will always jump at the ready to help anyone in need - Now it is our chance to help them.

Ruths Cancer has a very high risk of relapse, so her family have searched tirelessly for new drugs or alternative therapies. There is hope of a possible new drug Ribociclib that can reduce the risk of relapse for Ruth and is showing good results in Europe and Australia. This drug is currently non Pharmac funded here in New Zealand and if Ruth wanted to follow this path it would cost approximately $120,000 for 3 years of treatment.

Leigh Gayford's involvement (page creator)

My name is Leigh, and Ruth is my little sister.

Use of funds

As Ruth navigates her way through these ongoing challenges, any support you can give is incredibly appreciated and would ease the strain on her and her family. All funds raised will be to support her and her family with bills and Ribociclib during this difficult & emotional time.

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Latest donations

Beej and Tat
Beej and Tat on 30 Apr 2024
Piki te ora Ruth! Arohanui Tatz whānau xoxx🤗
Cae on 02 Apr 2024
Heather on 31 Mar 2024
Kate (Little Soul Co.)
Kate (Little Soul Co.) on 31 Mar 2024
Big loves ❤️ xx
Emily on 29 Mar 2024

Who's involved?

Leigh Gayford's avatar
Created by Leigh Gayford
Ruth Gayford's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Ruth Gayford
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This campaign started on 28 Nov 2023 and ended on 28 May 2024.