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Support Ryan Donovan's family

$58,530 donated
Given by 290 generous donors in over a year

Support Katie and their four children after the loss of their beloved Husband and Father Ryan Donovan.


Our dear friend and colleague Ryan Donovan passed away suddenly on 12 May. He leaves behind his wife Katie and their four young children.

Ryan was a great friend and colleague to many, a man of faith and loved his family dearly. Unfortunately, Ryan’s health conditions meant he was not eligible for insurance to ensure his family was supported if he wasn’t around.

As a colleague, Ryan was someone whose knowledge was immense. He matched this with a willingness to jump in to solve problems and help wherever needed – while being one of the nicest people around.

We welcome whatever contribution you can make, to ensure that Katie and their children will feel the support that Ryan was always ready to provide to his family and his colleagues at MPI.

Staff of Ministry for Primary Industries' involvement (page creator)

Ryan was our dear friend and colleague. Although Ryan struggled with health issues, he never failed to put everyone above himself. He was such a bright light in our lives who we will miss every day.

Use of funds

By donating, you will be supporting Ryan's wife Katie to raise and care for their four beautiful children.

Latest update

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Support Ryan Donovan's beautiful family   8 September 2023

Thank you, everybody for your amazing financial support and friendship over the last four months. The sudden loss of Ryan is still very real, and we have had some challenging times trying to work through the grief and trauma. As the days go on, we are becoming stronger. We have so many amazing memories of our life with Ryan. He was an amazing Dad and husband. The gap left is massive, but we are holding on to our faith through this stormy season. We are blessed with practical help on a daily basis through family and friends.

We are coming up to a month of firsts- Father’s Day, Ryan’s birthday my birthday and Abby’s first birthday- all in September. My daughter Briella is booked to have her heart surgery on 27th of October - at Starship children’s hospital in Auckland. She requires two surgeries, first is an ablation and second at a later date to fix a large hole. Facing this without Ryan is going to be hard but again we do have family surrounding us to get through this.

We always love connecting with those who knew Ryan so please be in touch if you ever want to visit or share memories!!

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Oct 2023
Mey Méndez. Argentina
Mey Méndez. Argentina on 10 Oct 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Sep 2023
William on 19 Sep 2023
Penny on 07 Sep 2023

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This campaign started on 15 May 2023 and ends on 15 May 2025.