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Support Safer Cricket at Burnside Park!

  • Help our players to get in the zone!

      30 August 2022
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    The final component of our fundraising campaign is to complete the refurbishment by tidying up the player's viewing area in the front of the pavilion and immediately under the balcony with the addition of a player's viewing zone.

    Tenatively dubbed the Lion's Den (after our club crest featuring the cabbage tree and a rampant lion), our goal is to make viewing cricket more enjoyable for our players and opposition when waiting to bat. The Player's zone will allow players to shelter from the sun on a hot day, and from the biting easterly wind on a cold one! You'll also notice an artist's impression of the Jerry Cross Memorial drinking fountain in this image... More on that in our final campaign update.

    Thank you to all our generous donors so far. Please help support out campaign by donating if you can, and sharing this link with your friends and community. We can't get there without your support.


    Burnside Cricket

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  • More teams = more storage

      30 August 2022
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    Burnside cricket club is growing! This season we are taking on the full coordination of North West Women's Cricket, providing junior girls, youth girls, and women's cricket in the Burnside community. Our boys and men's club is also growing, and this year we will have 11 men's teams and a similar number of junior teams calling Burnside Park their home.

    As we grow, we continue to increase the amount of equipment and grounds assets that we need to support our players - training gear & equipment, movable training nets and poles, pitch covers etc. All that equipment means more space is needed to store it in a way that is safe, accessible, and appropriate to keep the equipment in good condition.

    With the help of our supporters, a part of this fundraising campaign is the supply and installation of a storage shed and shelving under the balcony. This spot will help keep the shed (and its contents) protected from the elements and also easily accessible to our members - without cluttering up the fire exits and other frequently used areas in the pavilion.

    The image here give an indication of where we hope to place the new shed.

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  • Batters creases have been battered...

      30 August 2022
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    "Middle stump, please" is a common request by the batter when taking guard - but as you can see from the photo, the batter's crease areas in the nets are battle scarred and worn, with large areas delaminating and becoming a trip hazard. It's pretty tough to bat in the nets with the surface damaged like this, so we are committed to delivering the repairs as soon as possible.

    Our fundraiser also intends to provide funds towards the needed repairs to the artificial turf areas at the batters crease. Cricket nets need to be able to withstand a lot of wear and tear.

    Help us reach our goal by donating to our campaign and sharing it with your friends and associates!

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  • The run-ups are a bit run-down...

      18 August 2022
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    A major part of the refurbishment project is the plan to re-pair and re-lay the ground around the run-ups to the artificial nets. As you can see from the photos, this area has become quite a sorry sight.

    Currently the run-up areas overlapped with the historic footprint of the Football pitches. This presents a couple of problems for us:

    1) The ground gets very heavy use in the winter from football - which makes quite a mess of the ground.

    2) Because the area is in active use by the footballers, we can't get access to repair it during the winter!

    With help from the council, it has been agreed to move the area of the Football goals further east towards the Port Hills, which creates more leeway for repairs to happen. We have also come up with a plan to lay down a more suitable surface for cricket in this area - similar to other artificial nets around Christchurch.

    The end result will be a safer and more weather and use resilient surface. It will stay flat, so cricketers will be able to train without the fear of injury from rolling ankles or slipping on the existing rubber matting and mud surface we have today!

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  • Net extensions

      10 August 2022
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    A few people have been asking what we mean by extending our nets? The attached image hopefully gives you a bit of an idea. Currently, the nets have high walls and a 'roof' only at the batter's end. Towards the open end, the wall is only half as high. This creates a safety issue - especially with batters playing the way they do these days, with balls able to escape the nets at a relatively low trajectory and fly out into the main park area - where juniors are practising, games are being played, or people are walking their dogs. By increasing the length and height of the walls, and putting a net roof over the full length of the nets, we will create a more enclosed space, which will be overall safer for park users.

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  • Thanks you for your support - We are off to a great start!

      10 August 2022

    Thank you to all our early contributors! We are really pleased to be over a quarter of the way to our target! Don't forget to share this fundraiser with your friends and families!

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