Donate to St Chads for materials and tools to help our artists create their dream woodwork and art piece.
Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty
St Chads Rotorua is fortunate to have great talent. It takes months for our tāngata whaikaha vision to come into life as their own individual or group art piece or wood craft. Time and materials. Your help now will give our people the tools and materials to choose their medium to create for our gallery or showcase their individual piece. Wood, glue, varnish, paint, tiles, aluminium, special glass, saws, art paper, screwdrivers... these are just some of the practical elements that turn into works of wonder. We'll share pictures as we go and you'll see your how your donation inspired great woodwork and art.
St Chads supports people with disabilities to gain greater independence, learn and maintain valuable life skills, improve their health and well-being, interact meaningfully with other members of the community and do everyday things in everyday places.
Art materials and tools such as woodburners, varnish, wood, saws, glass, tiles, aluminium, paint.
Hands On! 24 July 2024
Thank You for supporting our ask for help on the day to day tools and materials for our St Chads artists! The costs of everything have risen so much and it has meant a great deal to be able to ensure our team are able to use a variety of tools and mediums to explore and hone their skills. We look forward to showing off their completed artworks in the next couple of months.
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