Support Tangata Whenua mobilising an historic hīkoi to Parliament

$2,134 of $15,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in 9 days

Support Tangata Whenua mobilising an historic hīkoi to Parliament in opposition to the Treaty Principles Bill.


In response to attacks on Te Tiriti, in particular the Treaty Principles Bill, Tangata Whenua are organising a hīkoi from Te Tai Tokerau on 28 October, visiting regions and then to Parliament.

Major hīkoi of the past have forged defining moments in Aotearoa’s history - like the 1975 land march, and 2004 Foreshore and Seabed hikoi. This year’s hīkoi will be equally era-defining.

It will be a non-partisan and non-violent kaupapa. The organisers of the hīkoi, a group of respected Māori leaders, have reached out to Common Grace Aotearoa with a request for funds for this historic mobilisation. This fund raising is not for any political party but for the mobilisation of many Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti across Aotearoa.

It is a huge privilege for us to be invited to support this. This is an opportunity for Tangata Tiriti Christians committed to honouring Te Tiriti to support Tangata Whenua in a practical way.

The Church has over the decades shown solidarity in actions by Tangata Whenua, such as Takaparawhau (Bastion Point). This is a moment for the Church to show up again.

Please note that Common Grace Aotearoa is not organising the hīkoi. With the permission of the hīkoi organisers (via Catherine Delahunty, Emeritus Professor Jane Kelsey and the group Stop Institutional Racism), we have organised this Givealittle page to gather funds towards this action from Christians.

This falls within our organisation's charitable purpose and the rules of Charities Services.

About us

Common Grace Aotearoa is a movement that equips and organises Christians to transform unjust structures for the common good in the areas of climate, economic and Te Tiriti justice.

Use of funds

Common Grace Aotearoa will donate all funds received via this page to the hikoi organisers' bank account. These critical funds will support things like marae koha, petrol and van hire, sound system rental, and other logistical needs.

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Latest donations

Rachel 3 hours ago
Rachel 11 hours ago
Kia kaha!! We want to support this historic moment!
Kate 1 day ago
Helen 1 day ago
Brian 1 day ago

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Common Grace Aotearoa (Charity)
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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 7 Oct 2024 and ends on 28 Oct 2024.