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The MacPhersons fight cancer - help support them on the journey

$169,192 of $210,000 goal
Given by 2462 generous donors in one year

Helping the MacPhersons with medical and support services costs during Hamish's cancer journey.

Queenstown, Otago

Update 9 Sept 2023:

It is with huge grief that I share the news with you that our beloved Hamish passed away on Wednesday afternoon after his courageous fight against the cruelest disease.


On the 11th of April everything changed. Hamish’s cancer had returned, it is in his brain, lungs, stomach & liver, this time the oncologist told us the words we so desperately didn’t want to hear. Metastatic Melanoma. Inoperable.

Hamish had a double dose of immunotherapy. He was fighting so hard, for us & our family & we were so hopeful that this would help. It didn’t. He wasn’t getting better. He was getting worse. How would I tell our kids he was dying. Our world was crashing down

Suddenly we were talking to lawyers about wills & doctors about hospice. In the haze of all the talk about comfort & dignity, we were offered a medication to try. We were warned quickly that it had only a 35% chance of being effective, we knew we had to try

Within a day of starting this drug we saw improvements. Hamish became more mobile, his pain easing and his nausea diminished. On April 24, 13 days later he came home.

In the next 12 mths we need to find over $120k ($10k per mth for ongoing drugs Dabrafenib and Trametinib & support, Immunotherapy = $50k for 1 treatment, these are unfunded) to continue treatment & engage with vital support services to help us through this next stage. This medication not only gives us hope, but precious time as a family.

We know how hard things are at the moment for so many families. We are not asking for support lightly, but we know the continuation of this treatment could change the time we have together. It could change our world.

With gratitude, Jana & Hamish

Heidi Martin-Johnson's involvement (page creator)

Good friend

Use of funds

Medication (Dabrafenib and Trametinib), medical support services, mortgage, bills

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With Grief and Love  9 September 2023

It is with huge grief that I share the news with you that our beloved Hamish passed away on Wednesday afternoon after his courageous fight against the cruelest disease.

He was home, surrounded by people who love him, and we know that despite the deepest sadness we are feeling, he was comfortable and well cared for up until his last moments.

We have been so deeply touched by the outpouring of support from our community. Your generosity changed the time we had together, and I will never ever be able to even begin to explain my immense gratitude for that kindness you have given our family.

Thank you for your continued love and grace. Navigating the road ahead without Hamish feels enormous. But I know that as I put one foot in front of the other that I am held by my village.

If you know us personally and need to know funeral arrangements please get in touch.

Xx Jana

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Heidi Martin-Johnson's avatar
Created by Heidi Martin-Johnson
Jana MacPherson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jana MacPherson
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This campaign started on 25 Apr 2023 and ended on 25 Apr 2024.