Support the Tickner’s battle against Leukaemia

$26,085 of $25,000 goal
Given by 261 generous donors in 4 weeks

Fund set up to financially support the Tickner’s during this tough time

Hawke's Bay

Hi all

As you may be aware, we all received some awful news about Sarah’s health. She has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a form of blood cancer. To make matters worse they were delivered this news while serving the winter in the UK as Blair is playing cricket for Derbyshire in the County championship. Sarah is unable to travel home to New Zealand and will be starting chemotherapy in the UK in the coming days.

The New Zealand Cricket Players' Association is supporting them and it's likely that other cricket organisations will help as well. However, there is no doubt Sarah, Blair and Flo will need all our support over the medium to long term. Being in another country with limited family support is going to be a challenge enough and then there will no doubt be other challenges as they work through the treatment and recovery Sarah will require. All funds raised will go towards helping in a range of areas where support can't be met elsewhere, including family travel, accommodation and some healthcare costs. This will be a long battle for the family which the money that is raised will assist greatly in the months ahead. Sarah is so incredibly strong and we have no doubt she will get through this but our support is needed to make this battle a little easier on them.

Sarah and Blair are known for putting smiles on our faces in the HB community in everything they do, now it’s our turn to try and support them through this tough time.

Thanks so much

Angus Schaw's involvement (page creator)

I am a very close friend and have made this page on behalf of friends and family of the Tickners

Use of funds

Healthcare costs, support for Sarah’s family travelling to and staying in the UK, Flo’s daycare and day to day needs, general support in this tough time

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Sarah made it to NZ ❤️  14 June 2024

Posted by: Sarah Tickner

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to jump on here and let you all know we are home!! Well currently in Palmerston North starting the next block of treatment.

We kept quiet on this as I had a lot of hurdles to face to even get on the plane, but we made it!!

We have received some good results from my bone marrow biopsy and there appears to be no leukemia cells under the microscope. Although Leukemia cells are very good at hiding and chance of relapse is high, so I now go through a long, intensive consolidation block of chemo to decrease the chance of relapse in the future.

Steriod and chemotherapy treatment in the UK was really tough on me physically and mentally and especially for my family... but it's working!! We will be able to do some treatment is Hawke's Bay, so we're  pumped to get home sooner than we thought.

Thanks for all the love and support, we wouldn't be here without it ❤

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JACOB on 06 Jun 2024
All the best - Jacob (Movember Cricket Club).
Lorraine on 06 Jun 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Jun 2024
Jo on 30 May 2024
Vicky Callinicos
Vicky Callinicos on 30 May 2024
Sorry for the delay Sarah, I was waiting for my next pay day. I keep thinking of you smashing the Nfinite gym classes, a similar kind of strength and determination for this fight. Kia kaha from home xx

Who's involved?

Angus Schaw's avatar
Created by Angus Schaw
Sarah Tickner's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Sarah Tickner
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This campaign started on 5 May 2024 and ended on 7 Jun 2024.