Please support our brother and give him the kickstart he needs to pull himself out of this disaster
Bay of Plenty
Sadly our friend Todd Harris has lost everything in a building fire in Rotorua. Todd is a world renowned metal sculpture artist, a car enthusiast and a founding member of Old Skool Rydz Lowrider Club.
A world of dreams up in smoke, anyone one who knows Todd will understand the extent of what he has lost.
Amongst the destruction was his 1964 RHD Chev Impala convertible, Chevy Belair’s, Oldsmobile and a Vauxhall just to name a few.
All his tools for building cars and his tools for work along with a life time of savings to make his metal art were also destroyed in the fire.
Being the old school guy that he is nothing was insured. Todd is an amazing talented guy who we love dearly, this page is to support our friend who now has to start with nothing.
Any questions contact Justin 021569743 or Mel 0204522361
Long time friend and club member
The money will be put into rebuilding his life