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on 6 Oct 2021

Astha asks

hi, my name is Ash and i am a writer with a national women's weekly magazine. can you pls touch base regarding Vea's story? (


Hi Ash

My name is Sione and I'm Vea's cousin. I am the one that created the give a little page for Vea.

Well to answer your question, Vea has been recovering well from the wonderful work that the Doctors has done as in the video that was streaming on tv nz channel 1.

She is due to go back to Tonga and re-unite with her family again on the 27th of this month.

I would like to thank you on Vea's behalf for your generous support.

If you any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Vea Koloa
on 27 Sep 2021

Piutau asks

Talamonu atu kiho feinga, lotu pe kihe Otua kene faitapuekina koe mo ho famili, ofa atu moe lotu koe kii tokoni ena fkhu atu hoo peesi kole tokoni.


Piutau H

'Oku ou fakafeta'i lahi ki he 'Eiki ko 'Ene 'ofa mo 'ene Kelesi kuo u toe lave ai he ngaahi 'aho ni

Piutau H 'oku ou ma'u 'a e loto hounga'ia mo'oni ko e 'ofa 'oku ke fai mai ma'aku. 'Ikai keu ma'u ha lea fe'unga ke fakamalo'ia'aki si'o 'ofa tuku pe mu'a ki he 'Eiki ke ne toki tapuekina atu mu'a si'o 'angame'a mo ne fakafonu mo fakamonu'ia atu ko e mo ho famili. MALO LAHI 'AUPITO HE ME'A KOTOA

Vea Koloa

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