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Support for Temperance

on 20 Mar 2018

Ashley asks

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has been extremely supportive! I don't know how to post this as an update only as a question sorry.

Recently I decided to move us to a new home (we got evicted, bad timing but new beginnings) out in the open towards being in the bushes/farmland which is a 40 min drive there and 40 mins back to Tempys school, twice a day, that's alot of driving and I'm super nervous about every cent that would of been for weekly treats now going towards the gas but I know it will be worth it for her to feel like the 7 year old little girl she is. Well, there wasn't any other rentals willing to accept us in the budget.

I'm super thankful for Snow, Georgia, Rupert and my mum (Diane) who have been there for me. Its nice to have others remind me that not only did Tempy come from my tummy, but her mind came from my heart and the words I have chosen over the years to shape her have been the stepping stones for her (and I) to get through everything.

I'm going to be crafting from home in hopes it will cover basic everyday needs so please do check back here later in time for an update on that if you wish to purchase my hand made local items from clothing to decorative bits and bobs :)

Thank you everyone!

Ashley - Temperance's mummy xx

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