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Supporting Ari's whānau and Journey Home to Aotearoa

  • Ngā mihi! Ari's Celebration

      12 April 2023
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    Thank you so much for all your generosity!

    Pekka, Claire, Liisa, Ella, Tommi and Deus are so grateful!

    A celebration of our beautiful Ari will be held on Saturday the 15th of April @ The Met Lounge/Cassels @ the Tannery in Christchurch @ 1.11pm.

    The service will be live streamed for family & friends unable to attend in person, see link below:

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  • Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

      2 April 2023

    This update is for Ari, thank's to all the beautiful people for helping lighten the Mustonen's load, I always knew he was loved by all!!

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