Supporting Danielle Cronin on her journey to fight cancer and kick it to the curb
Dannielle the girl with the beautiful smile and the biggest heart. After years of trying to figure out what was making her feel so sick, being sent home with antibiotics time and time again, she was given the heartbreaking news on 2 February 2018 that she had a tumor in her bladder and was later diagnosed with bladder cancer.
After dealing with her mothers cancer battle years earlier, this had come at such a shock and something you would never imagine could happen to you.
Her first surgery came 21 days after hearing the initial news, and then another 2 to follow. This all happened so fast, with no time to process what was about to become her new normal.
The T word (treatment) was then the next hurdle to face, which meant starting a family would have to be put on hold until the unforeseen future. Once treatment started, life was difficult to adjust to. Having time off work every week doesn't change the fact you still have everyday living costs. Not to mention the huge medical bill that continues to creep up! The doctors, A&E visits, supplements, UTI medication, Counselling.
After a year of treatment, Danielle had some what started to accept this new life, and then faced yet another lot of bad news. She was diagnosed with pre cancer in her cervix which required surgery to remove.
Danielle has always been such a happy go lucky girl, and seeing that sparkle dimmer over the years has been very hard to watch. This girl still has a journey to go, and we all hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.
She is the type of girl that would never ask for help, and would be the first to give to others before worrying about herself.
Please help support Danni through this tough time. Anything is hugely appreciated and would mean the world to her.
Thank you for reading.
I am a close friend to Danielle and what to help her through her journey.
Funds will help pay for medical costs (The doctors, A&E visits, supplements, UTI medication, Counselling) and ongoing support needed
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