Supporting Kofe in his fight against cancer
Our friend, colleague, bro, Kofe was recently diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer.
Although treatable, the process can take up to two years to complete.
Kofe served at NZ Customs from 2016 to 2020, before relocating from Auckland to Tauranga with his family - wife Ange and their two children Jada and Josh.
Kofe is best known as being Yarra's dog handler and most people based at Auckland International Airport, IMC, SCIF and ACIF during 2017 - 2020 would be familiar with the awesome team that was Kofe and Yarra, both always wearing a big smile.
Kofe is the guy on the team that lightens tense situations with his humour, consistently brings positivity and encouragement and is a genuinely great guy to work alongside. Kofe also made significant contributions to the Pasifika Network as a komiti member and every year supported the Movember fund-raising activities for the NZ Customs team.
We have created this page to support Kofe and his family while Kofe is receiving treatment and as well as a platform for his friends and colleagues to write messages of encouragement to Kofe.
There is another page for Kofe here:
Financial support for Kofe and his family during Kofe's cancer treatment.
Thank you family 31 March 2022
Dearest family and friends..
Ange here on behalf of Kof and our family😊
We are feeling so very blessed by all of your love and generosity💗
I just wanted you to know that Kof has seen all of your messages and he was so encouraged and overwhelmed by all of the amazing support, prayers, love and generosity, wow!!❤️
We are so very grateful, this truly means so much to us🙏🏽
Thank you all so very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Here’s a little update on Kof:
Three and a half weeks ago Kof ended up in Tauranga hospital with a very bad case of pneumonia, and liver toxicity from all of the strong drugs. He battled his way through that and by the grace of God and the power of prayer he is all clear of that pneumonia!🙏🏼❤️
He was transferred to the Waikato isolation cancer ward a week after being in Tauranga hospital, as the cancer started to worsen, affecting his liver functions and other major organs, it had become more aggressive.
Kof wasn’t doing to good when he arrived at Waikato and doctors were coming up with different plans for him moving forwards, after more biopsies and surgeries they have started him on new meds and chemo.
One Doctor said that never in his career has he ever seen someone’s ferritin levels up over the hundred thousands and this was a record! Not a record Kof wanted!
Well he doesn’t know we serve a God of miracles and the next few days, we received a good report, doctors said Kof is improving and his blood levels were now heading in the right direction slowly (Thank you Jesus)🙏🏽
Thank you Prayer warriors, all of your prayers, faith and love are making a huge difference 🙏🏽❤️
Please know that ALL of your prayers and support is definitely helping us and Kof continue to fight his way back to full health.
Your generosity, support and donations are a huge blessing and help to us and they go towards our travel/accommodation expenses, Kof’s treats😋as well as Kof’s recovery, with him not being able to work for a few months, so thank you sooo much from us all 🙏🏽❤️
Special thanks to our amazing sis Kaisa, we love you girl and thank you for making this small 😉❤️ love you sis and thank you 🙏🏽
Love to you ALL❣️
Kofe, Ange, Jada and Josh 💜💜💜💜