Supporting Lily and Mia

$8,091 donated
Given by 58 generous donors in 14 days

A way to support Lily and Mia


Lily and Mia have lost the most important man in their life, their dad Kane Kapernick. At the moment the girls are surrounded by family and friends who love and support them but we know working through the trauma of losing him so suddenly will take time.

Our lovely friends and family have been asking how they can help and also if they can provide a koha.

We have been overwhelmed with the support we’ve received to date, but in response to people’s requests, we would like to provide an opportunity for people to make a small contribution to support the girls as they work through their grief and begin to heal, both now and into the future.

This fund will be used to pay for things such as immediate and ongoing support sessions, additional educational support if required, lessons to support their passions like art, dance, netball and basketball and possibly the adoption of a new best friend for them (aka the dog they’ve always wanted). It will be used for anything we think will help with the healing process and their overall wellbeing.

I’m also going to create a beautiful book of stories and photos of their dad. If you’d like to contribute a story and photo (optional) please email

Any funds raised will also be used to produce this book so the girls have a lifetime of stories to read and their dad will stay with them forever.

Thank you again for all the support you’ve shown Lily, Mia, myself and the wider Kapernick family.

Anita Tautuhi's involvement (page creator)

Lily and Mia are my daughters

Use of funds

Immediate and long term counseling sessions, production of a book of memories, activities that will support their wellbeing and the healing process.

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Thank you   23 August 2024

Lily, Mia and I would like to thank everyone for your incredibly generous contributions. Your generous contributions will be put in an account and used for likely years to come.

Thought I’d share a couple of pics. Girls are both back at school and back doing the things they love with the support of their friends and family. Mia’s team played their hearts out for Kane last Friday at basketball and I know he’d be so proud, lily did the same at netball. Mia had an amazing birthday bowling with her extended family and Lily just recently completed her most recent art work. Thanks again, sending our love and appreciation right back to you xxx

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Geoff on 20 Aug 2024
All the love and support from Geoff & Michelle . Tasmania .
Karin & Michael
Karin & Michael on 18 Aug 2024
Sending love strength and support from your Revl family. 🕊️🫶
Haley on 17 Aug 2024
Thinking of you all. Kane was an incredible man who has brightened all of our lives.
Joel on 15 Aug 2024
Just a happy dude and so proud of his girls
Kate on 14 Aug 2024
Kane made me laugh every day at work. And his love for Lily & Mia was amazing to see. Such a great dad. Was a privilege to know him and meet his girls.

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Anita Tautuhi's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Anita Tautuhi
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This campaign started on 8 Aug 2024 and ended on 22 Aug 2024.