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Supporting Lois Through Cancer and Beyond

  • First milestone...

      15 January 2025

    Lois had her first radiation therapy yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Prior to going down she was having a really good day, and was actually able to take a very small amount of food etc by mouth...and hold it down. This is a huge milestone.

    She came back from radiation in some discomfort, which was to be expected, as the radiation is targeted to damage or destroy the DNA of the cancer cells, which will stop them from further growth.

    Because it is what it, there is likely to be some associated inflammation and pain in the treated area. Also, as it is not an 'instant' cure, the death of the cancer cells, and their transition out of the body is likely to create some discomfort as well.

    When we left, she was having her pain very effectively managed by the nursing staff, and appeared to be settling from the pain.

    I want to be absolutely clear here; this is going to be a long-term fix, and is going to take time to deal with the situation.

    I also want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, and from the rest of our family (Lois, Sam, Amy) all those who have donated so far in what is, I realise, a very tight time for us all. I am beyond humbled by the aroha and the support that people are displaying to us in our time of need. It has not, and will not go unnoticed.

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  • One step at a time...

      13 January 2025

    Slow but steady improvement noted over the weekend. Possibly due to steroids to knock down some of the swelling in the brain. Lois had her first radiation assessment this morning; will be having her first actual treatment tomorrow (Tuesday NZ time).

    In the meantime, she suffered a mild mishap, slipping and acquiring a hairline fracture to the either the left clavicle or the rib directly beneath it. No displacement, and not a lot of discomfort (thanks to the morphine she is being given to deal with the disease' pain and discomfort). I told her 'typical; she's always an overachiever' in this respect. Got a grin out of her at least.

    She is able to converse with the kids too, although sometimes she drifts a little and can lose the thread...but all in all, she is making some progress.

    That gives me a some hope if nothing I've said to some of you, I'd take it on my own shoulders in a heartbeat if I could...but I can't. And thats so likes to see a loved one suffering. And to reflect that she is dear to so many of you as well...

    Well, that just gives me a bit more determination that we ARE going to beat this bloody thing. It might be a forlorn hope, but I will be driving for positivity with all I have to give...and then that little bit more.

    Sorry. Got a bit carried away there.

    At least I can leave you guys with this; she is improving a little...and that is the first step on the 1000 mile journey.


    Rob, Sam, and Amy

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  • Wow...

      11 January 2025

    Early days as yet, but so deeply humbled and grateful for the donations to this point.

    Lois was a bit better today, but the morphine she is on to reduce pain and discomfort from the migraines is still knocking her around a bit.

    Unfortunately we did not manage to get into the first dose of radiation; hopefully we can do this on Monday.

    In the meantime, I would like to shout out to Bronwyn and Ingrid who between them have been extremely generous in non-financial ways, and in being prepared to have the kids over to play etc...trying to give them a decent summer holiday, rather than sitting around in a hospital room all day every day.

    As always, we will keep fighting towards getting Lois through this situation.

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