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Supporting Pheobe and her family

  • Update on Pheobe

      21 May 2024

    Pheobe has made great progress towards eating, talking & walking. Although she has a long, arduous journey ahead she continues to impress with her determination, will power & stubbornness to get home to her family. One major factor that hugely benefits in her recovery is her age and health prior to this traumatic event. We are feeling very hopeful and positive for her.

    We appreciate the support we continue to receive & to see how many lives Pheobe has touched over the years. She truely does have a way of connecting to each person on a personal level, making them feel special & valued.

    We understand everyone is waiting with bated breath for updates, for her to come home & wanting to see her however there are no answers to give with certainty at this time. This is a hugely time dependent situation with more investigations needing to be done over the foreseeable future.

    Right now our main focus & priority is getting our girl home safe & sound to her family. There are plans in place for the immediate future for her recovery, it will be some time before she returns home. With that being said, it is in Pheobe’s best interests for her privacy & recovery that no additional visitors are allowed to see her currently. We understand that this is a difficult time for all but this is what’s best for Pheobe. There will be time in the distant future for visitors. Pheobe’s health, wellbeing & supporting her recovery is priority.

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  • Pheobe’s progress / a message of thanks

      10 May 2024

    A little update on Pheobe.

    Pheobe is now in a stable condition and has made some really positive progress. She no longer requires the level of care ICU offers which is fantastic news. She has been moved to the ward where she will continue to receive the treatment she needs. She has a team of medical professionals helping her with her long journey ahead. We are feeling positive for the future. Our Pheobe/ Gen is a fighter!

    We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of the very generous donations received since the opening of this page. We are overwhelmed and blown away by the generosity and support we have received. Thank you so, so much, words cannot express how appreciative and grateful we are. This undoubtedly relieves Pheobe and her family of the financial pressure and allows us to solely focus on Pheobe and her recovery. Thank you!

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