Swap shop

$41 of $40,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in around 6 months

The site where we are is not suited for our purpose its cold and wet No real shelter from the weather we need a enclosed building.


We have run swap shop for over six years we started swap shop to help everyone that needs help with the generosity of others we can continue to do this.

All our swap shop team are family that volunteers every week we all enjoy what they do.

Our aim has always been to help people who needs help.

Everyone should have the basic essentials in life but this is not always so the basic things seems out of reach for lots of everyday people ,thats why swap shop tries to help those in need.

Swap shop has always been non funded but we do what we can with what we have.

We take what would know doubt be thrown out and give it new life and a new home with someone

who needs it we don't ask for money.

Money can be tight for so many these days swapping is what its all about.

please help us keep our swap shop going.

Rosemary Davey's involvement (page creator)

I am one of the creators of swap shop my family and I are the swap shop team.

Use of funds

To buy some kind of portable building that we can run our swap shop from

Latest update

Update image

Heartbreaking reality that we may close without help from generous people  27 October 2020

The reality is that we really do need help with finding a building to keep swap shop running but without money there's not much we can do.

The site where we run swap shop it's not suited

No protection from the weather we need a place which is Clean warm and suitable for the public the real reality is that we may end up closing not only do we feel that he would let so many down it's heartbreaking after 7 years

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Sep 2020
Sorry it's not much
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Aug 2020
Brendan on 07 Aug 2020
Melissa on 07 Aug 2020
Rosemary on 07 Aug 2020
I believe swop shop needs to succeed and what they doing

Who's involved?

Rosemary Davey's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rosemary Davey on behalf of Swap shop
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This campaign started on 6 Aug 2020 and ended on 5 Feb 2021.