Round the Rock Swim for Autism

$9,694 donated
Given by 146 generous donors in 8 weeks

Dan Abel will be doing a charity ocean swim 34km around Rarotonga to raise funds for Autism Cook Islands.


In mid September Dan Abel bravely completed a solo ocean swim around Rarotonga in record time of 11 hours and 2 minutes. Dan is a professional ocean swimmer and has recently returned from successfully swimming the English Channel. His love for the Cook Islands and reaching out to kids with special needs has drawn him here to swim the 34km around Raro and while doing this raise funds for Autism Cook Islands.

Simone Fe'ao's involvement (page creator)

I'm the treasurer for Autism Cook Islands.

We are a registered charity of volunteers who are passionate about bringing out the best in all those with Autism living in the Cook Islands. We aim to do this by raising awareness in the community, improving access to specialists and resources, assisting families and support people with training and moral support.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used for our current projects:

- Making starter packs with key information, videos, education tools to provide to families with a child who has autism

- Conducting a needs assessment survey with schools and families to obtain comprehensive data to be able to provide meaningful valuable support

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Latest donations

Ann (SLSC)
Ann (SLSC) on 03 Oct 2017
Brliiant swim Dan. What a star!
Sarah Short
Sarah Short on 28 Sep 2017
Viv Wilkinson
Viv Wilkinson on 27 Sep 2017
Well done - great swim/great cause :)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Sep 2017
Yves Bouvy
Yves Bouvy on 26 Sep 2017
Awesome swim, great cause. Well done Dan!

Who's involved?

Simone Fe'ao's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Simone Fe'ao on behalf of Autism Cook Islands - Non-profit registered charity in the Cook Islands
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This campaign started on 5 Sep 2017 and ended on 31 Oct 2017.