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Lets make this a Meri Kirihimete for the Tamihere Whanau ❤️

  • Thankyou!!

      24 November 2017
    Main image

    Thankyou to all the donations so far!

    I would like to introduce Te Ahurei the youngest member of the Tamihere Whanau.

    This photo is of him pretending to be a dinosaur 🦖 to bring a smile to his big bro on a hospital stay.

    I would love to share with you a story about Te Ahurei

    The other night at Ronald McDonald House he came to tell Makere and Mikaera it was dinner time.

    (People often volunteer to cook dinner for families staying at the house ❤️)

    Makere explained that Mikaera wasnt feeling to well so they would stay in their room.

    Te Ahurei left for his kai...a little while later there was a knock at the door.

    Makere opens to find Te Ahurei and a lady he has enlisted as his helper to carry dinner and dessert back to the room.

    How adorable is that!!

    A super strong sibling xx

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