Taniwha St, Fire

$2,180 donated
Given by 26 generous donors in 4 weeks

Lost everything I had in a Fire including my beautiful dogs. I HAVE MY LIFE and so much Love but no teeth glasses, clothes or shoes.


I am a invalid beneficiary who was asked by a friend's nurse to take him in for temporary accommodation as he was in hospital and needed to be discharged to an address. He could not be alone due to a series of accidents due to a stroke which landed him repeatedly in hospital. His Social workers were to help find supported accommodation. I knew him before his stroke and the person who came in a taxi from hospital could hardly walk, talk or care for himself. He has just burnt my house down after walking away from a pot of oil he put on while I was just going to bed. I have lost everything I own, and I did not even have time to get my dentures or glasses nor by Baba's. My two dogs and my sons dog died on tuesday night. The worst day of my life. I have so much Aroha from so many people and feel beautiful community around me but I need financial assistance to start again with the basics. I am on the emerge currently housing list but would find accommodation in the faster with some means. George my friend is so upset with what he has done but we continue to support each other with the help of other friends. We will try to find a place and I will continue to help him.

Use of funds

Money will be used to start over. Shoes clothes dentures glasses drivers license and temporary accomodation

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Mar 2018
Friend of a friend
Friend of a friend on 21 Mar 2018
Chris on 21 Mar 2018
Tina Rameka

Thankyou so so much.

Tina Rameka
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Mar 2018
So horrible to read, I hope this can help with your recovery and my thoughts, strength and positive vibes go out to you.
Tina Rameka

It helps for sure thanks for your thoughts

Tina Rameka
Jacqueline on 21 Mar 2018
Wishing you & George all the best for the future.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tina Rameka
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2018 and ended on 15 Apr 2018.