Fundraising for Tauranga Womens Refuge

$500 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 6 months

Creating environments offering solace to those seeking shelter, spaces that offer a sense of hope to the courageous women & their children.

Bay of Plenty

I am reaching out to share an initiative I am undertaking through my interior design business - Studio Janah, which aims to support our local Tauranga women's refuge and create safe and comforting environments for those seeking shelter and protection.

My business ethos is "a home is not just a physical space; it's a sanctuary that nourishes the soul", I believe everyone is deserving of this and firmly believe in the power of design to positively impact lives.

Recognising the pressing need for safe spaces in our community, I am collaborating with an all-female task force to embark on a significant project: Making over the bedrooms in the local women's refuge safe houses. My goal is to create nurturing and empowering environments that offer comfort and solace to those seeking shelter and a fresh start, spaces that promote healing, restore dignity, and offer a sense of hope to the courageous women and their children.

Your donation will ensure these families have a nurturing safe space that aids their healing process and will go towards providing:

- Bedding

- Pyjamas

- Underwear

- Sanitary items

On behalf of the Tauranga women's refuge and myself, thank you for taking the time to read and donate to this incredible cause.

Studio Janah's involvement (page creator)

volunteer at Charity

Use of funds

- Bedding

- Pyjamas

- Underwears

- Sanitary items

- Furniture

Other page links

Latest donations

Jeanne on 05 Sep 2023
To help with redecorating. I wish I had practical skills to help you.
Private Donor
Private Donor on 01 Sep 2023
Ned and Lisa
Ned and Lisa on 07 Aug 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Jul 2023
Hannah on 17 Jul 2023
Thank you for this important kaupapa!

Who's involved?

Studio Janah's avatar
Created by Studio Janah (Business)
Tauranga Womens Refuge's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Tauranga Womens Refuge (Charity)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 7 Jul 2023 and ended on 11 Jan 2024.