Tawhiao Family

$1,441 of $4,000 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in 4 weeks

To help Naiomi and Tahi get another vehicle As RA can't fly due to painful Miagranes making him sick on plane and with general expenses

Hawke's Bay

Kiaora As you all no Handsome RA has Leukemia Cancer He has been doing well at keeping his spirits high and being positive when having to leave his comfort siblings and dad for weeks to go to starship and get poked and prodded and receive Chemo, His mother Naiomi has become a Amazing nurse to him and it's so beautiful At the mo they are in Auckland and my goal is to fundraised some money to buy them another car The first page I did got them a car etc but as there are 4 children left at home with dad and Tahi needs to get to mahi ,I would love to get them a reliable vehicle that Tahi can use when Naiomi is gone .This will also be less stress for Naiomi to have to worry about while she in starship

Billie Aupouri's involvement (page creator)

I'm a friend of the family .Always willing to help them.out and I no this will help

Use of funds

A vehicle for the family and help out with family general costs

Latest donations

Tony and Sarah
Tony and Sarah on 01 Jul 2020
Kirstene on 29 Jun 2020
Khani on 25 Jun 2020
Love you guys so fricken much ! If I won lotto I’d buy it straight away xxx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jun 2020
George, Francie
George, Francie on 22 Jun 2020
Hope your goal is met, much love & blessings from us.

Who's involved?

Naiomi Tawhiao's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Naiomi Tawhiao
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This campaign started on 8 Jun 2020 and ended on 8 Jul 2020.