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Please help send clothes and computers

$830 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in around 7 months

To courier laptops and children's clothes to Laos for use by disadvantaged students. Goal $1327 for shipping.


I have boxes of children's clothes and laptop computers and supplies

WHAT I DO: I teach students from very poor families computing skills. 10% of children never attend school. I also facilitate goods to in-need communities.

MORE DETAILS: The laptops are second-hand, with open source Office software loaded. They also have English teaching software loaded so students can practice English as well as computing.

ABOUT ME: I have been going every year since 2013 and seen the difference our help makes. Thank you for your generous and kind support. Every dollar and donation goes a long way and together we do make a real difference in people's lives.


Help A little's involvement (page creator)

I have shown on-going committment to projects over the last 3 years. I use my IT skills to teach in schools and in 2015 established a permanent IT teaching facility at a charity school.

I am returning to develop this further and volunteer in other local community education projects and support Lao youth struggling to access education.

Education is a sustainable way to improve peoples lives living in severe poverty.

Whilst there are many organisations which seek to support education, a substantial gap exists for many young people whose only option is working on the family farm at a subsistence level.

Too many foreign projects have built schools or similar infrastructure and then walked away, thinking they have made a difference - this is different.

A decent job means young adults can support not only themselves but contribute towards their family. People with jobs usually pay for their siblings education too.

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Here are some of the items awaiting courier  11 June 2016

This is approx half of the donations of clothing, mobile phones and laptops to date. Such an amazing effort. Thanks.

This fundraiser is to pay for the freight to Laos. I have already purchased the maximum allowed suitcases too.

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Maureen on 05 Jul 2016
David - am always delighted to read the updates and see the amazing work you are doing. Keep well and busy. Best wishes Maureen
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jul 2016
Sew Special
Sew Special on 17 Jun 2016
SOCAA on 11 Feb 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jan 2016

Who's involved?

David Allan's avatar
Created by Help A little, paying to a verified bank account of David Allan
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This campaign started on 3 Jan 2016 and ended on 12 Aug 2016.