Please give what you can to help Annabel with this battle against bone cancer
Kerikeri, Northland
Hi everyone,
This "Give a little" page has been set up to help Annabel and her family.
As you know, Annabel has been diagnosed with bone cancer and is currently in Starship Hospital.
I'm sure you can imagine this will be a physically, emotionally and financially draining time and journey ahead for Annabel and her family.
This news has been a shock for us all who love her so much! This is one way we can all band together and help!
Please if you are able to make a donation to relieve some of the pressure, every little bit helps and will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much xx
One of the Aunties :-)
Loss of income/wages. Vehicle, travel, fuel expenses. Accommodation etc
The journey continues 10 March 2023
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for all your support of Annabel as she continues on her path to recovering from the horrible disease that is osteosarcoma. We are so lucky that her follow up tests are continuing to be all clear and she is giving it her all with physio and rehab as she learns to use her prosthetic. I haven’t yet been able to return to work as she attempts school, rehab and regaining her health so any help is so appreciated. And to those that have donated - the biggest thank you. You have no idea the pressure it has taken off me through it all. Love Abbey x