The AroVideo Library Preservation Transition Fund

$11,586 donated
Given by 114 generous donors in around 10 months

Help save the AroVideo library collection and website and ensure its future preservation as an invaluable national archive.

Aro Valley, Wellington

The AroVideo library collection and website is looking to transition out of my private ownership and into a Trust entity that might ensure its future preservation as an archive for the benefit of current and future generations of film-lovers in Aotearoa.

The reason for this decision is because the library can sadly no longer be feasibly sustained as a commercial business.

The library comprises approximately 27,000 titles on DVD, Blu-Ray and VHS that have been hand-picked and developed over a 34-year period, with its associated website of film data, notation and transaction facility that dates back almost as far.

The new trust entity will likely comprise of a public and/or non-profit private entity or group of partners that have the interest and resources to house and manage the collection as a working archive for the foreseeable future.

The preferred and most feasible option currently is to integrate the collection into the Te Matapihi Library rebuild project when plans to open in 2026. This proposal is still in the preliminary stages of negotiations with the Wellington City Council.

We require urgent funding for the intervening period, and in August 2023, I applied for a grant application to the Wellington City Council Arts & Culture Fund, and also opened this Give-a-Little campaign to invite the support of all film lovers and preservationists in Aotearoa.

Thank you for reading and pledging your support.

~Andrew Armitage, proprietor

Use of funds

The running costs of keeping the AroVideo library doors open until a new home and custodian for the collection can be found.

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Latest update

Givealittle Campaign is now closed  17 July 2024

Unfortunately, this campaign is now closed as we reached the maximum allowable campaign time limit for registered companies. I had intended on becoming a charitable trust in the interest of compliance, but it has been a bridge too far for my currently stretched resources. It may still happen in the future, but remains a question mark.

Thank you so much to those that gave a little and those that gave a lot to help preserve the AroVideo DVD library. It does make a difference.

The store continues to keep trading due to such donations and those of DVD collections, and the flexibility of the landlord. We'll keep soldiering on, for now.

For those of you with rental subscriptions, you can purchase these directly in-store, while other donation options are available at this donation page on AroVision:

Ngā mihi nui,


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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Jun 2024
Emma on 25 Jun 2024
Mary on 21 Jun 2024
Michael on 19 Jun 2024
Hang in there and good luck!
Gill on 17 Jun 2024

Who's involved?

The Aro Street Video Shop Ltd.'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Aro Street Video Shop Ltd. (Business)
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This campaign started on 16 Aug 2023 and ended on 26 Jun 2024.