The Austin Family need your help

$5,145 donated
Given by 78 generous donors in 4 weeks

Lets help the Austin family stay afloat so they can focus on a diagnoses for Dylan


Dylan Austin is a happy go lucky Year six boy who on February the 13th was rushed to Whangarei's emergency department with the frightening reality of losing mobility in his lower body and been in excruciating pain. His lower body had seized and the hospital soon discovered a fractured vertebrae. Dylan was admitted whilst undergoing investigation into the cause and Doctors found fluid in his hip joints and chest, pointers of rheumatic fever and a murmur however testings are continuing as suspicions of an autoimmune disease or juvenile arthritis in his hips and chest are at play. Dylan is currently hooked up to a echocardiogram for at least 10 minutes a day and is in a wheelchair requiring assistance for showering etc. The next stage is investigations with Starship hospital. Dylans parents and siblings have been an amazing support network with mum and dad taking turns with staying with Dylan at the hospital however there is always the daunting task of keeping everything else afloat whilst this scary journey they are taking is happening. Unfortunately Dylans Dad Dale has a serious injury which is going through investigation also and Shaz was the main breadwinner with her and best friends food truck business "Bad Mommas" however as you can imagine Shaz hasnt been able to give this her full attention. This is a scary and emotional rollercoaster and I ask, along with many others, that as a community we can help take the load off. I know first hand what a relief it can be to get help and be able to be present with the person who needs you there and that burden removed so please Mangawhai, surrounding areas and the Austins family and friends lets get together and take some stress away for this lovely family :-)

Ursula Thompson's involvement (page creator)

We are family friends

Use of funds

Use of funds will be used for Petrol, Food, Rent and general bills. Any excess funds, if any, will be used to get aide in Dales (Dad's) diagnoses and recovery

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Latest donations

George & Sharan
George & Sharan on 23 Apr 2021
Best of luck to all the family
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Apr 2021
Best wishes to the whole family.
anita on 18 Apr 2021
Sending love to your family & your gorgeous boy.
Jan on 17 Apr 2021
Wishing you well
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Apr 2021

Who's involved?

Ursula Thompson's avatar
Created by Ursula Thompson
Shaz Austin's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Shaz Austin
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This campaign started on 14 Apr 2021 and ended on 14 May 2021.