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The Barefoot Walk for those who can't Talk

on 6 Jan 2022

Isaac asks

Hey man, did you finish this walk in the end? I'm interested in doing a similar walk to fundraise for sustainability and mental health, an am interested in hearing about your adventure.

Kind regards, Isaac


one of the most amazing journeys ever.

i recommend north to south.

dont have a plan, take it one day as it comes, Youll sort your pack out along the way, it will get lighter and lighter,

navigation. Guthooks app on ya phone.

and enjoy the beauty all around, and the simplicity of day by day living, without projection.

it is a dream we are living. so weave brother isaac, weave my friend.

check out my barefoot facebook page or instagram @barefootwalk4talk

good luck brother on your path.

Morgan Redfern-Hardisty

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