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The Cheng Family

  • Eliza safe in the arms of God

      30 November 2023
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    It is with deep sorrow and grief we share with you that our precious Eliza Joy Cheng died peacefully with family on 29/11/2023 at home. She was born on 08/11/2023. We did not know how long we would have with her and we are blessed to have three weeks with her (plus 9 months in mummy's tummy). She was able to come home, go to church, visit my parent's home, and meet friends and family who love her dearly. She will be greatly missed and it will take us time to adjust with her not being with us anymore. However it is not without hope that we walk through life from now on. Jesus said in the gospel of John "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die". We can have hope because Jesus has conquered death and we know though we die, we shall have eternal life with God.

    We appreciate all the care from family and friends who have been alongside with us for the past year. We are relieved to know that Eliza is now safe in the arms of God and enjoying His perfect love and everlasting comfort. We are now separated for a little while, but we look forward to being reunited with her praising Jesus together forever.

    To God be all the glory,

    Jonathan, Lily, Eden and Eliza.

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  • Week one of life

      15 November 2023
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    Hi fam,

    Update in below link as too long! (Copy link to url)

    Love the Cheng's!AtineqBvUtWQgdUv24Io-fy8SPdvhQ?e=zDdcMc

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  • Eliza's arrival

      8 November 2023
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    Eliza Joy Cheng arrived at 9.01am this morning. It was an emotional time particularly for dad but we are now getting to treasure her for the time God has blessed us with along side mum while she recovers.

    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers so far and keep praying for us to love her well and trust God with what is to come for the length of time He has given her.

    Love The Cheng's

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