The Christmas Cheer

$15 of $10,000 goal
Given by 2 generous donors in 21 days

Spreading a little Christmas Cheer - much needed food.

Canterbury, Christchurch City

This year with the cost of living crisis we are seeing demand for welfare at a level never seen before, in fact we will pass all previous levels.

Our Christmas wish is that everyone receives some form of Christmas Cheer - whether is be one toy or simply an ice cream.

We run a Christmas Toy Grotto, and hampers for Christmas. Demand is high, our food stock is depleted. Our food bill has gone from around $3000 a month to around $9000 a month plus donated food items. Any donation now will go towards the cost of food for hampers - our normal Christmas voucher project is around $20000. In this environment grants and donation are light - hence why I am undertaking this give-a-little page. This funding will also with demand post Christmas with food. All donations will be greatly appreciated.

About us

Our members and volunteers make regular visits and give assistance to needy individuals and families, the elderly, the sick, or the homeless in our local communities. We operate a food bank and provide clothing, furniture and bedding.

Use of funds

Purchasing of extra food and some nice Christmas treats for hampers, plus toys to cover the grotto shortfall.

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Latest donations

Clodagh on 06 Dec 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Nov 2023
Merry Christmas

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, St Vincent De Paul, Christchurch City Area (Charity)
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This campaign started on 28 Nov 2023 and ended on 19 Dec 2023.