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The Dear Boobs Project

$3,470 of $10,000 goal
Given by 67 generous donors in around 6 months

The Dear Boobs Project is my endeavor to publish a book of letters addressed solely to boobs, from women affected by breast cancer.

Bay of Plenty

The Dear Boobs Project is about creating a book of intimate, courageous, and often hilarious letters from women of all walks of life, who have undergone surgery due to breast cancer.


I launched The Dear Boobs Project on social media on the 31st May 2017, the day after my last radiation treatment, after a year of my own treatment for breast cancer. Within 30 days I had 30 Dear Boobs letters in my inbox, and now, only 5 months in I have been gifted almost 100 Dear Boobs letters from all over the world! Clearly others think 'Dear Boobs' is a great idea too!


The inspiration to create The Dear Boobs Project came to me during my experience of breast cancer treatment from July 2016 to June 2017. The letter writing was something I used during chemotherapy, when I was very sick. On the better days, I would write to myself “Dear Emily on a bad day” and reassure myself there was light and hope to come. After 5 months of chemotherapy, as my breast surgery date came closer, and after a little ignoring and much agonising over why I was feeling so low and sad about losing my floppy, uneven, cancer filled breast and its partner, I wrote: “Dear Boobs". Writing it helped, and reading it helped, and I couldn't NOT share it.

The Vision!

Once published, I intend to distribute 1000 beautiful and bold Dear Boobs books to waiting rooms all across New Zealand.

Boobs wisdom for all!

I hope that for the women who have had personal experience with breast cancer, reading Dear Boobs will not only make them feel that they are in great company, but also that their own relationship with their breasts, boobs, tatas, lady lumps, bosoms, whatever they call theirs, really does matter. I imagine that Dear Boobs will make readers laugh, perhaps cry, but mostly grasp their own experience better, and feel the hope and healing power of being part of a sisterhood that understands how it is. I hope the stories will also inform supporters and families about the significance and sometimes ongoing impact of breast cancer surgery on women’s emotional and spiritual health, and their relationships. Also, to provide a unique insight into the hard decisions, the emotional complexities involved in letting go of a body part or two, and the sometimes-long road to a new normal.

The future!

I can't wait for the essential boob wisdom, in the letters that I hold, to be printed onto real pages. Every day as I work on the project I visualise a Dear Boobs book, portraying incredible images of some of the women who wrote it, in the hands of those who will benefit the most.

Use of funds

The funds!

The funds will contribute to the printing of 1000 beautiful and bold Dear Boobs books, and their distribution to waiting rooms all over NZ. A crowdfunding campaign was planned for 2018 but it seems many would like the opportunity now. So here it is.


Thank you so much for backing The Dear Boobs Project, your contribution is gratefully received and will be put to excellent use. Boob wisdom, shared, really can make a difference!

Warmest Regards, Emily

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Latest update

Happy last day!  20 April 2018

The last chance! The final call!

Thank you to those who have already donated. If you know of anyone who might like to contribute a little to this project before it ends please share it on social media today!

Boob wisdom, shared, really can make a difference ❤

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Leah x
Leah x on 20 Apr 2018
Wow Emily! You've come so far with such positivity! Thank you for sharing this journey to give hope to others!💖
Em & Dale
Em & Dale on 19 Apr 2018
Wow Em! Fantastic achievement to turn the dream of an idea into a reality. I hope these wise words so bravely shared will provide much needed inspiration & comfort to those both near and far. Best wishes to exceed even your own vision!
The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)

I hope so too. Thanks Em for your donation. I really appreciate all of the support and encouragment I have received along the way xx

The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)
Kate O’Kelly
Kate O’Kelly on 19 Apr 2018
This is a truly wonderful thing you’re doing, Emily. A real inspiration. Keep up the amazing work! x
The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)

Aww (blush) thanks. All of the letter writers are my inspiration!

The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)
Amber Taylor
Amber Taylor on 19 Apr 2018
The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)

Thank you my lovely friend xxx

The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Apr 2018
Awesome project. Good luck!
The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)

Thanks for your encouragement ❤

The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle)

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Dear Boobs Project (Emily Searle) (Group)
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This campaign started on 3 Nov 2017 and ended on 20 Apr 2018.