The Fight for Education

$80 of $500 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in around 3 months

Education should be a basic human right, not a privilege. Together, we can make a difference.


At the end of December, I’m off to Tanzania in Africa. This trip has been a personal goal of mine for well over five years, and a reality for just over one! The itinerary is pretty amazing and I’ll get to see and do some pretty incredible things; climb Mount Kilimanjaro, go on a safari, deliver a teaching project to a local school & even explore Zanzibar. But ticking those things off my bucket list isn’t the only reason why I felt a huge pull to go.

In 2002, Australian-born Gemma Sisia established The School of St Jude with the belief that “high-quality education should be the right of all children in the world” and that “education is the strongest weapon in the fight against poverty, corruption and political instability”. In Tanzania, the government school system is overstretched, under-resourced and consequently produces poor educational outcomes for Tanzanian society. The mission of The School of St Jude, is to provide free, high-quality education to disadvantaged, bright children who otherwise - due to poverty and social pressures - would unlikely be able to complete their schooling.

One of my goals is to raise at least $500 for The School of St Jude, which will support the amazing work that Gemma and her team continue to do. One way in which I’m doing so, is by selling pre-loved clothing where 100% of the purchase will be donated to the school itself. For whoever is interested, the platform in which I am doing so is @dressedforeducation via Instagram.

However, I understand that clothing isn't everybody's cup of tea - and that's why I have decided to create this page for others who may want to also make a donation. I will donate what I have managed to raise so far on December 24th 2017 - then will continue to do so once I return in January 2018.

Every little bit helps, thank you for wanting to make a difference in the lives of others.

Kendra van der Linden's involvement (page creator)

At the end of December 2017, I will be travelling to Tanzania to visit The School of Saint Jude. My goal is to raise $500 which I will donate directly to the school itself.

Use of funds

The School of St Jude relies heavily on the kindness of donations. The money raised will go towards providing children with daily hot meals, safe housing, transport, class resources and much much more.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Dec 2017
The Comans
The Comans on 19 Dec 2017
We are so proud of you Kendra xxx
Tui on 18 Dec 2017
Be the change that you wish to see in the world 😊
Tegan on 18 Dec 2017
I’m so proud of you Kenny and I know you’re going to absolutely love this trip! Love you lots 💓

Who's involved?

Kendra van der Linden's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kendra van der Linden on behalf of The School of Saint Jude
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This campaign started on 14 Dec 2017 and ended on 14 Mar 2018.