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The Girl who Climbed a Mountain and Saved the World!

  • Dunedin Fringe-d!

      13 March 2018
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    Hi all,

    This Sunday/ Monday just gone we toured our show to the Dunedin Fringe Festival. What a beautiful event, run by a wonderful team of people. The show was received very well (read the review here: and we head to Wellington next week! If you know of any Wellingtonians who might be keen to come along then send them to the Scruffy Bunny Theatre on Courtney Street at 6.30pm on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th of March! And if you know of anyone who loves donating to art as much as you do then please send them our details. :)

    Thank you for powering our creativity, you are a wonderful human!


    Lisa (and the team!)

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  • Thank you!

      7 March 2018
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    Hello wonderful people! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated thus far, we are very grateful to you.

    We have our final few rehearsals this week, with our dress rehearsal on Thursday. All of the elements are coming together beautifully!

    On Friday, Dan and Lisa Allan will drive towards Dunedin with a car full of instruments. We've got ourselves an AirBnB house for the whole company to stay in and then, on Sunday the 11th of March, we open!

    If you know anyone in Dunedin, please let them know we're coming. If you know of anyone who likes supporting creative projects who might like to contribute to this Givealittle campaign, pretty please share the info with them.

    You are amazing, keep shining lovely people!

    It's time to climb a mountain and save the world!


    Lisa and the cast and crew of 'The Girl who Climbed a Mountain and Saved the World'

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