The loss of our beloved Pua Magasiva.

$12,965 donated
Given by 233 generous donors in 4 weeks

Raising funds for Pua’s daughter and family. Donations will be going into his twin brother Tanu Magasiva’s bank account.


You will know when Pua is around because he brought laughter and happiness every where he went. You could always feel the positive energy when he is around. There is never a dull moment with this lad.

He wore his heart outside his chest and would never think twice about helping anybody whether you were a friend or a random.

I am simply trying to raise some funds help Pua’s family through this very tough time and to get some funds together for his super talented amazing daughter Jazzy future.

Kase Chan's involvement (page creator)

I am simply trying to raise funds for my best friend that had recently passed to help ease the family with funeral costs and help out with his amazing daughter Jasmine.

Use of funds

Funeral, Daughter’s future education bill and trust fund

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Latest donations

Anna C
Anna C on 11 Jun 2019
Best wishes
Best wishes on 10 Jun 2019
Moimoi Kearns Aiga
Moimoi Kearns Aiga on 06 Jun 2019
Thanks for the laughs Pua, will miss you and your prankster ways...
Ruby on 01 Jun 2019
You will be sorely missed Puuz. Thanks for the laughs, thanks for the love. I am so thankful to have met you - rest easy my friend.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 May 2019
Kase Chan

No words can explain how thankful I am to have such huge support out there for our brother Pua! I know Pua will be over the moon with your generous donation. ❤️

Kase  Chan

Who's involved?

Kase  Chan's avatar
Created by Kase Chan
Tanuiloto Magasiva's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Tanuiloto Magasiva on behalf of Magasiva Family
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This campaign started on 13 May 2019 and ended on 14 Jun 2019.