The most deserving man and a very rare form of heart cancer

$7,051 donated
Given by 78 generous donors in around 3 months

For my step dad/dad who has a rare form of heart cancer-terminal

Taupo, Waikato

On the 4th of October 2023 after a day of work my step dad collapsed at home. The following morning he was then rushed to Waikato hospital for open heart surgery. His heart had to be reconstructed after the surgeons saw a Tumour on X-ray. We were relieved he made it through the surgery, until our hearts broke in a way we have never felt before when we heard the words “I’m so sorry, we have done all we can, it’s cancer and it’s not good” The cancer being high grade/aggressive and a case the surgeon had never seen before “high grade malignant epithelioid angiossarcoma” There are roughly only 100 people GLOBALLY with this cancer.

For anybody that knows Brad (who has raised me since I was 3) or knows my mum Lavinia, they are the first to give the shirt off their back, or a hot meal if you’re hungry. They have gone above and beyond for everyone around them and for myself and my 10 year old brother (brad and mums son)

With mums permission I have set up this page to relieve financial pressure of their mortgage and every day lives, mum is brads carer so she’s no longer working but bills don’t stop. It will also help making any wishes come true that brad has while we still have him with us. Even $1 all adds up or sharing the page. Thank you for your understanding at this time

Sharday Downes' involvement (page creator)

Step dad/dad and mother

Use of funds

Financial relief for Mum and Brad, assistance with mortgage/bills, food, travel costs, pain relief and wage loss as mum won’t be working either

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Latest donations

Sade on 14 Nov 2023
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Guest Donor on 13 Nov 2023
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Guest Donor on 07 Nov 2023
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Guest Donor on 06 Nov 2023
Ingrid on 06 Nov 2023

Who's involved?

Sharday Downes's avatar
Created by Sharday Downes
Lavinia Downes's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Lavinia Downes
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This campaign started on 11 Oct 2023 and ended on 11 Jan 2024.