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The race of her life - Tamsyn's fight against triple negative breast cancer.

  • NGĀ MIHI NUI - The Masonic Lodge Dunedin

      24 March 2024
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    On behalf of Tamsyn’s family, I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the Masonic Lodge Dunedin for their donation to Tamsyn's cancer fund.

    To have such a prominent organisation within our community reach out and help Tamsyn and her family is truly special.

    A special mention goes to senior constable Mark Tuten or “Toots” who made this happen.

    Toots and Tamsyn worked together early in Tamsyn's career. Even though they no longer work in the same station, Toots regularly checks in to see how Tamsyn is doing, usually offering some worldly life advice and always putting a smile on her face! I know the smile is reciprocated, It’s a testament to both their characters.

    Waiho rā kia tū takitahi ana ngā whetū o te rangi.

    Let it be one alone that stands among the other stars in the sky.

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    • 25/03/2024 by Junior

      Kia Orana Tamsyn...My wife Cindy and I pray for you regularly for God to place His healing hands on you. If I can share with you a verse from the Bible, Joshua 1:9 and Deuteronomy 31:6. These two verses will give you comfort. We put our faith in Jesus and you are always in our prayers. I am an ex cop. I retired in 2016 after 30 years and moved back to a small island in the Cook Islands called Mitiaro. May God bless you and bring peace to you and your family. Kia manuia...Cindy and Junior Abraham ❤🙌🙏


      15 February 2024
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    Hi everyone.

    We're well and truly into 2024 and it's time for an update and to extend the page for a few more months.

    Where do we start!? Since the last time we posted Tamsyn has had 3 weeks of radiation, A total of 15 sessions. The radiation targeted the mammary and auxiliary lymph nodes and as far as we can tell, all has gone as expected. There were a few side effects including burning hot skin rashes, chronic fatigue and some throat issues due to the radiation being so close to her esophagus.

    Tamsyn has had another two double doses of Keytruda as well. Thats the "liquid gold" we talked about earlier. The next one is scheduled for next week on Friday 23rd February.

    Some great news is that while all this was going on Tamsyn has resumed full duties at work. It's been a tough road back, but she is loving it and happy to be back on the tools.

    Her hair is also growing back thick and fast. She's still as "blonde" as ever but that's what we love about her!

    There will be more posts to come soon. Thanks for your patience.

    Nga mihi nui.

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    • 15/02/2024 by Penny

      Great news Tamsyn 😀😀!!! We are cheering you on:))) Work normality must be a good step to be taking. Much love and goodness xx


      13 November 2023

    Hey everyone.

    I've just extended the page until February 2024.

    Thanks for your continued support

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      10 November 2023
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    After all the treatment and surgery so far, further testing has confirmed that Tamsyn has had a “Pathological Complete Response “which means she is currently cancer free.

    Cancer free sounds amazing right? but after an appointment with the Oncologist today her survival rate has now decreased from 40% to 30% due to the surgeon finding scarring on her axillary lymph nodes. The scarring means that the cancer had spread further than the specialist’s original diagnosis hence the decreased survival rate.

    From here, there may be another surgery required very soon to remove more lymph nodes. We’ll know if this is the case next week.

    The immunotherapy has played a huge part in getting the Pathological Complete Response. By having the immuno (Keytruda) it increased Tamsyn’s chances of achieving pCR to 65%. Without it, using conventional chemo therapy treatments only, her chances of pCR were less at around 45 - 55%.

    This is really mixed news I know and is something it took us a lot to get our head around! Either way the great news is, that her body has responded well to the treatments so far so lets keep going.

    Treatments will continue including radiation and immunotherapy to give her the best chance of survival and less chance of reoccurrence.

    This has been made possible by all of you. The many messages, meals, thoughts and all-round good will has been a huge help to getting Tamsyn to this point.

    Kia kaha Tamsyn, hang in there, you’re doing great.

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      7 November 2023
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    Last Monday Tamsyn underwent major surgery to remove her left breast and surrounding tissue.

    The surgery took about 5 hours. She woke in a pool of her own vomit which Tamsyn assures me hasn’t happened since she was in her 20’s!!

    The surgery was successful BUT... unfortunately, the surgeon found scarred lymph nodes (axillary lymph nodes, under the armpit), indicating that the cancer may have spread further than we had hoped. More testing of these lymph nodes will determine the treatment plan from here and we’ll keep you updated when we find out.

    Tams was in hospital for about 5 days and then headed home to her Mum and Dads with her surgery drain in tow. There were a few issues with the drain and a lot of pain so on Saturday it was back to hospital to have this removed.

    I found it really tough seeing Tamsyn in so much pain. Any major surgery is physically hard but the psychological and emotional toll it must have on you as a woman, to lose a breast, is unimaginable. Of course, Tamsyn was chipper and put a positive spin on everything despite being in absolute agony. The unfortunate reality is that she is sick……...really sick.

    The whole ordeal has really hit home for me this week and I’m ready for the old Tamsyn to come back. Go away cancer and let her have the life she deserves.

    Thanks to everyone for your continued support.

    Aroha mai, Aroha atu.

    Love received, Love returned.

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    • 08/11/2023 by Penny

      So much love and strength flowing to you Tamsyn❤️

      Penny and Graham xxx


      15 October 2023
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    This is it team.....the liquid gold!

    Keytruda (pembrolizumab) is an immunotherapy which works with your immune system to help fight cancer.

    It is an essential treatment for Tamsyn in her fight against triple negative breast cancer and increases her chance of survival significantly.

    Why am I calling it liquid gold? At $1000 per milliliter (plus administering costs), that is exactly what it is! Keytruda is unfunded for triple negative breast cancer, so you have to cover the cost yourself.

    Each single dose of Keytruda is 8 ml. Thats the amount Tamsyn had when she first started the immunotherapy treatment.

    Now she is having a double dose which is 16 ml per treatment. When you do the math that's a lot of money and remember that's not including the cost of administering the drug which is about another $2000-$3500 each time depending on how long it takes.

    Luckily there is a capped rate for the Keytruda drug itself meaning that she only needs to pay up to a total of $70,500.00 and then the drug company covers the cost from there. They don't cover any of the administering costs, so she still forks out for that herself.

    I hope that makes sense! it's all very confusing. Of course, on top of that there has been additional costs for the chemotherapy and medication as well.

    Without your help the cost alone would have been a huge stress on Tamsyn and her family. Your donations have gone along way and are really appreciated.

    Many thanks to you all.

    Aroha nui.

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      15 October 2023
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    Friday the 6th of October saw the last chemo treatment in Tamsyn's current plan. Thank goodness that is over! The weekly chemo treatments proved to be really tough. Tamsyn was constantly sick. She would feel like she was finally getting better and then BAM! it would be time for the next treatment.

    From here, immunotherapy (Keytruda) will continue every 6 weeks. This will be administered as a double dose with the first therapy happening this coming Friday, the 20th of October. Immunotherapy will keep going for about another 6 months.

    The next big treatment is surgery on the 30th of October. This is a major surgery (Bilateral mastectomy) which will require an extensive recovery period.

    In the meantime, Tamsyn and her family can enjoy some time together to celebrate the end of chemotherapy and to prepare for surgery.

    Thank you for your continued support. Every cent donated is being used to cover the unfunded immunotherapy medication, Keytruda.

    A special mention to the staff at the Mercy hospital cancer clinic. Kei runga noa atu! You guys are top notch! Thanks for making her last chemo treatment special. The sparkly pole was a hit!!

    Nga mihi nui e hoa.

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  • 15/16 - ONE MORE LEFT

      2 October 2023
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    Kia ora koutou.

    It's been a while since my last update sorry but unbelievably Tamsyn just finished treatment number 15 which means she has one more chemo treatment left on Friday this week. From here it will be surgery, radiation and ongoing immunotherapy.

    The weekly treatments have been really rough, with her Oncologist making the decision to reduce the treatment strength due to her body not recovering as well as hoped between treatments. Tamsyn has been really unwell, but you don't notice. She tries to keep her life as normal as possible. She hides her pain behind a big smile, she really is a true battler.

    On a happier note...HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY ANJA.

    Anja turned 8 years old recently. She celebrated her milestone in true 8-year-old style at Time zone, beating her Mum convincingly at air hockey!

    It's awesome to be able to have these bright moments in among the dark.

    Thanks again for all the support and aroha. A special mention to Dom and Paul from the Hawkes Bay who organised a fantastic running event.

    Along with their supporters, they collectively covered over 100 km, running for 10 hours. Your selflessness has blown us away.

    A special mention to the people who have organised and contributed to the many bake sales nationwide. Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed.

    To everyone, friends and whanau, thank you for your continued support.

    He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata.

    Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure.

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      7 August 2023
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    Right, so heaps has happened since the last update!

    Tamsyn has had a total of three, weekly treatments now. That's two more chemo treatments since the last update.

    She was admitted into hospital overnight on the 25th of July after she developed Pneumonia. That was all a bit scary but she's slowly getting rid of the chest infection and still continuing treatments in the meantime.

    On Friday we had a "hair-taking" event at the Dunedin Central Police station to raise funds for Tamsyn. It was a great event kindly organised by Debbie Hill.

    I won't go into too much detail just yet. Watch this space for some great pics of the brave people that put their hair on the line for an awesome cause.

    Tamsyn is still reading and replying to all your donations individually. You’ve heard it before but Thanks heaps. You're all amazing people.

    E roa a raro, e tata a runga

    The journey is far, but the sky is nearer.

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    • 07/08/2023 by Penny

      Sending continued love and support Tamsyn from the Williams’s xxxxxxx


      24 July 2023
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    The weekly chemo treatments have begun. On Friday Tamsyn had the first of her 12 treatments. This was both chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

    We weren't really sure how she would feel after and unfortunately it has really kicked her in the butt again.

    Thankfully nurse Anja was on hand over the weekend to take good care of her Mum. Anja used her walkie talkies to check in on Tamsyn, very clever and very cute, she is doing a great job!

    The next treatment is on Friday this week (28th July).

    A special thank you to the Dunedin and Invercargill Police who organised a very successful bake sale raising $1813.00. Christine and Carmen were the driving forces behind this. We can't thank you enough.

    All of your donations are making a huge difference to Tamsyn and her family. Thanks a million for your continued support.

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      2 July 2023
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    On Friday Tamsyn had her fourth round of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. I can see why the treatment has been nicknamed "The Red Devil" due to its strength, aggressive nature and bright red colour.

    This round has definitely hit her the hardest. She was already nauseous and unsteady on her feet before the treatment had ended. It has been a very rough weekend but she's been well looked after by Anja, Glen and her amazing Mum and Dad Lynley and Mike.

    Thankfully, this is the last of the Red Devil treatments. From here, in 3 weeks time, Tamsyn will start on weekly treatments for 12 weeks which will be a mix of immunotherapy and chemotherapy. It's a complicated process but I'll keep you updated as we go.

    A special thanks to the Southland Triathlon club, Ask Otago at the Otago University and St Bernadette's primary school who all ran successful fundraisers and made generous donations to this cause.

    To everyone who has donated, emailed, called, messaged and visited we can't thank you enough.

    Kia mau ki te tūmanako, te whakapono me te aroha

    Hold fast to hope, faith and love.

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      9 June 2023
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    Yesterday saw Chemo and Immunotherapy treatment number 3!! Yep, it’s been three weeks already since the last round. Everything went as expected.

    It’s pretty tough watching the life drain out of Tams as the chemo pours in, but we take comfort in knowing that it’s for the greater good.

    The next week will be a tough for her. Make sure you reach out. Your aroha absolutely makes her day.

    Another huge thank you to everyone for your support. Tamsyn, Glen and Anja are so grateful for all the donations and kind words.

    A massive shout out to the MCSKIMMING whanau for a very successful pink ribbon high tea last Sunday. They raised a whopping $9500 for Tamsyn’s treatments. Top effort team.

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    • 11/06/2023 by Alice

      Keep smashing it Tamsyn. Thought of you during my race this morning x wishing you all the energy as you battle through this next round.


      23 May 2023
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    On behalf of Tamsyn and her whanau we want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone for your generous donations. We are blown away with the support and aroha from so many people.

    Tamsyn has personally read and replied to all of your comments and generous donations. It has given her so much hope and strength. She is more determined than ever to beat this.

    It has been a big 10 days for Tams.

    She had surgery to implant a port-a-cath under her skin. This is a central line used for administering chemotherapy.

    She had her second chemotherapy treatment on Friday. She was feeling pretty groggy for the few days following but is still being her usual upbeat self.

    Last but far from least, we had the “great shave” on Tuesday. Yes, the blonde locks are gone and bald is beautiful.

    It was a surreal experience and Tamsyn was an absolute champion. There were more smiles and laughter than there were tears.

    Check out the pics, they’re amazing and she looks tino ataahua.

    Thanks a million everyone.

    E hara täku toa

    i te toa takitahi,

    he toa takitini.

    My strength is not as an individual,

    but as a collective.

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