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The Zayed College for girls Ummah Relief project

$8,417 of $10,000 goal
Given by 85 generous donors in 4 weeks

Helping one person might not change the whole world but it could change the world for one person.


Zayed College for Girls has decided to raise at least $10,000 this Ramadan for various charities which support numerous countries. The organisations that we have decided to give to will be Al Manar Trust Relief Projects (Which include different needy nationalities, such as Iraq, Rohingha, India, Syria, Palestine ad so on), and Syrian Releif. These organisations give essentials such as food, blankets and clothes to countries in need. This is Zayed College for Girl’s first step to contributing to our ummah who are in need.

There are lots of benefits of giving in the form of charity such as protection in wealth, increase in sustenance, way to heal the sick, eases our hardships, will be a shield of protection for the donor and more.....

The prophet (SAW) said “There is not a single day in which a servant wakes that two angels come down (from the Heavens). One of them says, O’ Allah! Give to the one that spends a substitute (for what he has spent). And the other one says, ‘O Allah! Give to the one that withholds (his money) destruction!”

There are numerous people who have lost family members and lost all their belongings in war or other destruction. These people are in need of food. There are cases of people having nothing to start their Suhoor with and nothing but dirty water to end their Iftaar. We cry when our mums don't make our favorite dishes but imagine these orphans who sleep on the rocky ground without their mother, they cry remembering their siblings and they still fast in Ramadan to uphold their Iman (faith).

Six million children from which 2.8 million children who are refugees are in need of your help. Due to the lack of support, the children are left to fend for themselves in war-torn Syria. Mghamis told Newsweek. "Many families today are below the poverty line and cannot find a loaf of bread to break their fast for Ramadan. The situation today is more difficult than can be described simply by words."

This Ramadan, the support you give, will help us reach those living in extreme poverty, drought, war and conflict. By donating a few dollars, you can ensure that some of the world’s neediest people have a nourishing meal each day.

May Allah SWT bless and accept your contribution.

About us

Zayed College for Girls is a decile 3, state integrated special character Islamic secondary school for girls Year 7 – 13). It was built by Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahayan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation and opened in January 2001. This unique institution pursues excellence and innovation to provide a supportive Islamic environment for students within the New Zealand context.


Zayed College for Girls provides integrated education in a student centred environment, allowing young women to achieve personal potential, Islamic identity and valued citizenship.


A most satisfying growth environment resulting in students with beautiful character and fully realised academic potential.






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Use of funds

All money donated will be given to approved NZ Relief organisations such as Al Manar Relief, Rohingya Muslims Emergency Appeal, Syria Relief and more.

All money (including over target, which we hope for from our generous families) will be given to them.

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May Allah bless and accept each dollar donated  15 June 2018

Assalamu Alaykum

Alhamdullillah you were part of this cause during the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah SWT reward you immensely...

Last hours of Ramadan or first few hours of Eid we can celebrate and hope that other less fortunate kids are not forgotten...Will be nice to donate few dollars on Eid to show our support and care to them. Just like we enjoy putting a smile on our children's faces...Inshallah we can also put a smile on a needy or orphans face too !

Remember donating a dollar only is not too little if that's all you can afford...It can feed a hungry child elsewhere....

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Guest Donor on 19 Jun 2018
Great cause.
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Guest Donor on 17 Jun 2018
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Guest Donor on 16 Jun 2018
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Guest Donor on 16 Jun 2018
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Guest Donor on 16 Jun 2018

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This campaign started on 23 May 2018 and ended on 23 Jun 2018.