The Life of Brennagh McKay

$2,473 donated
Given by 58 generous donors in 7 weeks

Brennagh McKay is a beautiful little medical miracle and she needs your help.

Manawatu / Whanganui

This beautiful, cheeky, sparky little friend of mine and her mum, Kathleen, need your help.


Brennagh is very very sick.

Brennagh has Trisomy-18 and is already a medical miracle, who has defied every grisly prognosis landed on her so far, and there have been a few - this one is going to be no different. She is smashing every idea of Trisomy, again and again and again.

This time, once again, the medical profession have decided that palliative care is all that they can do. They don't know Brennagh. And they don't know Kathleen.

Because of how compromised little Brennagh's digestive system is, Kathleen went out on a limb and started collecting donated breast milk to feed to her - high calorie, easily absorbed - genius. And, after just a couple of weeks, this liquid gold is already showing signs of making a huge difference.

Thanks to the support of wonderfully generous mummas all over the country, Brennagh has been getting stronger, despite what the doctors said. And Kathleen knows there is hope, if only we can keep the supply of milk getting to Little Miss B...

Couriers cost money, driving around the countryside collecting from donors costs money (as well as time away from Brennagh), specialist consultancy doctors fees, high nutrient supplements to add into the milk - these all cost money. Not to mention just trying to keep life ticking over for the rest of Kathleen's amazing family, while this situation rolls on.

Brennagh needs about 2 litres of breast milk a day! That's a lot of milky love. And it is a lot of logistics - a lot of couriers and a lot of driving.

This Givealittle request is two fold. Brennagh needs milk and Kathleen needs funds to keep the milk flowing...

Have you got either? Maybe you know a mumma who has more milk than she needs? Maybe you can chip in for a courier or some fuel to get it to this precious little girl.

The McKays are INCREDIBLE, generous people. Inspirational. You can follow Brennagh's amazing story on facebook:

This matters.

Brennagh matters.

Please help.

(To donate milk please contact me on 021447189. Thank you.)

miranda baker's involvement (page creator)

I can not sit back and watch Brennagh not receive the very thing that is restoring her to health. She deserves this chance. And so does her mum.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to pay for ongoing doctor's fees, couriers for donated milk from across the country, petrol to collect milk from around the Palmerston North region and to subsidise the beautiful family's income.

Not a cent, nor a drop of milk will be wasted. This is about saving a life.

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Wowzers! What a week!  22 November 2017

HUGE thanks to every single person who has either donated here with money, or contacted Kathleen or myself to arrange a breast milk gift for Brennagh.

Humbling response! So much goodness out there!

We have set up a Team Brennagh facebook group for all the beautiful mummas who want to help - please join us here:

Also a massive shout out to Fisher and Paykel who have donated and delivered a whopping great chest freezer for Kathleen to keep all this frozen milk in! Unbelievable kindness.

Brennagh has had the makings of a cold on top of everything else this week, so Kathleen has been choosing the milk with the most colostrum to build her anti-bodies to fight it! Nutrition and medicine!

Please keep all your donations flowing. This is not a situation that has an ending until Kathleen can come up with a food source that can provide 5 calories per 1ml. Lots of people researching. If you have any ideas, please make contact (bearing in mind that most of the obvious ideas have been explored already and that Brennagh has certain medical conditions that preclude some ingredients - but if you have a synapse-spark, please let us know).

Our love and heartfelt thanks to you all.

Miranda, on behalf of Kathleen and Team Brennagh xxx

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Latest donations

Vinh Dang
Vinh Dang on 28 Nov 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Nov 2017
God Bless. Text me if you need help with anything. 0221627500 Dennis
Nikki on 25 Nov 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Nov 2017
Samp on 24 Nov 2017
courage!. Sending love from my family

Who's involved?

miranda baker's avatar
Created by miranda baker
Kathleen McKay's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kathleen McKay on behalf of Brennagh McKay
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This campaign started on 14 Nov 2017 and ended on 2 Jan 2018.