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The Penguin Express

$3,931 of $6,000 goal
Given by 75 generous donors in around 7 months

Two kiwis, dressed as penguins, driving 20,000kms across 20 countries, in a comically small car, for charity


Josh Brinkmann and Luke Gardener are driving from the United Kingdom to Mongolia through Central Asia in a 2006 Suzuki Wagon R as part of the 2019 Mongol Rally.

To make the trip a bit more interesting Josh and Luke will be dressed as penguins whilst travelling and need your help to raise money for two great charities, The Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust (YEPT) and Cool Earth.

You can read a bit of information about our charities below, or learn more about us and our trip on our website: https://penguinexpress.home.blog/

Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust:

It's a critical time for the Yellow-Eyed Penguin/Hoiho, the rarest penguin in the entire world, with the mainland population reduced to the lowest it has been in 27 years! The money we raise for the Trust will go towards their work controlling predators, restoring coastal forest along the south-east coast of New Zealand, and penguin rehab through organisations they partner with.

Cool Earth:

Cool Earth works with groups across the globe to halt rain forest destruction and climate change

You can follow us as we drive across Eurasia dressed as penguins on facebook, Instagram, or our website

Follow us on: facebook www.facebook.com/thepenguinexpress

instagram https://www.instagram.com/penguin.express

website https://penguinexpress.home.blog/

Luke Gardener's involvement (page creator)

Yellow-Eyed Penguins are the rarest Penguin in the World and need all the help they can get. We are raising funds for the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust for habitat restoration, predator control, and penguin rehab. The majority of the money raised will go the the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust.

We will also be donating approx. $1000 to Cool Earth, a charity that is stopping rain forest destruction across the globe.

Use of funds

$1000 will go towards Cool Earth, all other money raised will go to the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust.

Latest donations

James on 16 Sep 2019
Great work team. The beca crew respect!
Joanna on 13 Sep 2019
Sophie on 10 Sep 2019
For the penguins! (And Luke's seedy moustache)
Hayley on 10 Sep 2019
Oran on 09 Sep 2019

Who's involved?

Luke Gardener's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Luke Gardener on behalf of Cool Earth, and the Yellow-Eyed Penguin Trust
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This campaign started on 16 Feb 2019 and ended on 20 Sep 2019.