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The Rickshaw Run - Help us raise money for charity

$2,855 of $2,000 goal
Given by 38 generous donors in around 4 months

Raising money while on a crazy adventure - Follow us at https://www.theadventurists.com/rrapr23/team/yeah-naan/


In April 2023, we will be participating in the Rickshaw Run India. A crazy 2-week long adventure travelling the length of India in a beaten-up, poorly-engineered rickshaw. O, and did we mention it will be 40 degrees? Yea nah, what could go wrong!?

We will battle India's highways, potholes and sacred cows in a mission to raise money for two different charities. There is no support, no map, no mechanic on-hand, just three clueless blokes who will no doubt be lost 90% of the time.

Our squad includes:

Nick Trebilcock: Bee botherer and expert navigator

Dan Morrison: Amateur wine enthusiast and professional chai drinker

Luke van Dijk: Hype man and underqualified mechanic

We plan to get offside with the local 1.5 billion by constantly reminding them of our cricketing success over India. This will be swiftly remedied by impressing them with our unrivalled knowledge of local geographical areas thanks to endless hours playing Geoguessr, and our mutual disdain for those English colonialists.

The first $1000 raised will be donated to Cool Earth, a charity that works to protect rainforests all around the world - https://www.coolearth.org/

Anything raised above this target will be donated to Gumboot Friday to help provide counselling and support for young New Zealanders. https://www.gumbootfriday.org.nz/

All travel costs have been paid for by us so 100% of donations will be going straight to charity.

Dan Morrison's involvement (page creator)

Participating in the Rickshaw Run event

Use of funds

100% of donations will be given to charity.

The first $1000 for CoolEarth and anything beyond this to Gumboot Friday

Latest donations

Dafydd on 18 Apr 2023
Crack on fellas! 🀌🀌 In it to bin it!
Dan Morrison

Thank you!

Dan Morrison
Eddy K
Eddy K on 18 Apr 2023
That’s awesome Nick. Great course hope you have some good stories to tell.
Dan Morrison

Thank you!

Dan Morrison
Jeanine on 18 Apr 2023
Good luck boys!
Dan Morrison

Thank you!

Dan Morrison
Leo on 17 Apr 2023
Good luck boys, do us proud.
Dan Morrison

Thank you!

Dan Morrison
Our Youth Our Future
Our Youth Our Future on 17 Apr 2023
Safe travels πŸ’• thanku 4 giving to our children πŸ™
Dan Morrison

Thank you!

Dan Morrison

Who's involved?

Dan Morrison's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Dan Morrison on behalf of Cool Earth and Gumboot Friday
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This campaign started on 9 Jan 2023 and ended on 26 Apr 2023.