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"The Tavern" Cambridge's first ever feature film.

$10,675 of $70,350 goal
Given by 160 generous donors in one year

Help us make Cambridge's first ever feature film.


After years of making youtube skits, web series and short films our filmmaking crew (the brains behind Honest Matt, Stakeout, From Shadow and Mount Doom) are ready to produce our first ever feature film "The Tavern".

Producing a feature film is a big ask and we need a lot of money to make it happen. Any/all donations are appreciated.

Use of funds

To pay cast and crew working on "The Tavern".

Latest donations

Carla on 02 Jan 2020
Vanessa on 01 Oct 2019
Team Introverts Rosie!
Team Introverts Rosie! on 31 Aug 2019
Team Introverts favourite loud mouth, Rosie. You're welcome hhaha
Your Asian friend
Your Asian friend on 25 Jul 2019
Brooke Couchman
Brooke Couchman on 19 Jul 2019

Who's involved?

Matt Hicks's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Matt Hicks
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This campaign started on 23 Apr 2019 and ended on 24 Apr 2020.