Time with Mama

$2,855 of $1,800 goal
Given by 65 generous donors in 7 days

Financial aid for me to go to the Philippines and be with my sick mother.

Hamilton, Waikato

Hi friends,

My mother is not well for the past 3 months. She's been seen by the doctor multiple times to treat for several infections from her lungs, her kidneys and her blood. She's also had a fall twice in the last 3 months. This past weekend, it turned for the worse as she started vomiting everything she ate, lost her appetite, felt pain in her chest and having shortness of breath. She became very weak that my cousin back in the Philippines (I am currently here in New Zealand) had to take her to the hospital. I am her only child and it breaks me not to be with her now. I pray that she will get through this but in reality, I don't really know what will happen. I wanted to go home but my entire savings and salary just went to my mothers medical bill on top of her weakening health condition, I just don't have any more resources left money wise and I also am supporting my family here in NZ. My wife and I had tried to apply for loan but was declined. I don't really have much choice left now, so I am reaching out to your hearts, please help me be with my mother, even if just to fund my plane ticket so I can go home and be with her because I don't know how much time I have to see her again. Please help me. Any amount is greatly appreciated. I may not be able to repay you but I know that God knows. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Use of funds

Airfare to go to the Philippines.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Nov 2023
Erwin Dayanan

Thank you very much. I appreciate your help and generosity. God bless.

Erwin Dayanan
Betty on 21 Nov 2023
as we say in Austria, Toi Toi Toi (good luck for everything!)
Erwin Dayanan

Thank you very much Betty. God bless you and your family.

Erwin Dayanan
Crimson Disc
Crimson Disc on 21 Nov 2023
Erwin Dayanan

Thank you very much guys. God bless you and your family.

Erwin Dayanan
Louis on 20 Nov 2023
This from your New Artist Spotlight (NAS) brothers of The Kollaborators. Sending you all the positive energy you need!
Erwin Dayanan

Thank you very much Louis. God bless you and your family.

Erwin Dayanan
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Nov 2023
Erwin Dayanan

Thank you very much. God bless you and your family.

Erwin Dayanan

Who's involved?

Erwin Dayanan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Erwin Dayanan
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This campaign started on 17 Nov 2023 and ended on 24 Nov 2023.