To support Tina & Bruce and keep everyone updated with Tinas journey & allow people who want to help from far and wide to donate
Just a few short weeks ago Tina was diagnosed with Aggressive Stage 4 Bowel Cancer that has metastasized to her Liver, of which she had no symptoms!
A diagnosis that has come as a shock to her and everyone who loves her.
The medical teams have moved fast and, just 17days after her first diagnosis, Tina has started her chemo journey of potentially up to 12 fortnightly rounds, with a three month follow up scan to see if the chemo is working. Tinas chemo is triple combo that runs over a course of three days.
With this diagnosis and the Chemo treatment also comes, countless appointments and blood tests even on her off weeks. This is making her ability to work full time and do normal tasks more challenging already.
Surgery is not an option for Tina, Chemo is a palliative treatment to extend her life.
While Tina and Bruce navigate this journey, the one thing we can do is to ease the financial stress now and to the future for both Bruce and Baylee.
The proceeds of this page will go towards day to day costs, mortgage payments, ongoing support for Bruce and Baylee and possibly even for un-funded treatment that may be an option. The reality is also that if Tina is unable to continue work so this will also help toward that decision making if and when that time should come.
Tinas 11year old daughter Baylee is not yet aware of the Terminal diagnosis for Tina, however does understand that mum is very sick and receiving treatment that may or may not work.
lucky to be one of her best friends of 30years
Day to day costs, mortgage payments, and unfunded treatment Cetuximab and Encorafenib (updated on 30/01). The reality is also that if Tina is unable to continue work so this will also help toward that decision making if and when that time should come.
Round 2 - Cetuximab and Encorafenib 5 March 2025
Round 1 gave me headaches, fatigue and a little loss of appetite in the first week. Week 2 I felt stronger and better than I have in a long time.
Round 2 I had no headaches, just the fatigue and loss of appetite for this first week. It is definitely a walk in the park compared to chemo ππI may have the beginnings of the rash, I am checkjng this with the oncologist on Tuesday.
Round 3 is in a week's time.
I've been very emotional lately, may have alot to do with me turning 50 tomorrow and our 10 yr wedding anniversary on Friday. There was a time when we didn't know if I would make it to my 50th.
I don't want to sound like a broken record but we cannot thank you all enough for you kind donations. This is literally keeping me alive.
Love the Cullens xxxx