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"Tiny Heartbeats, Big Battle: Help Bailey and Jolie Support Their Little Soldier"

$3,710 donated
Given by 28 generous donors in around 10 months

Donations for Bailey and Jolie to remain by their sons side x

Hawke's Bay, Hastings District

Bailey and Jolie, a hardworking young couple expecting their first child, have encountered an unexpected and challenging situation.

At 2 AM on April 25th (Anzac Day), Bailey was informed that his pregnant partner, Jolie, had been rushed to the hospital with severe stomach pains. Jolie unexpectedly went into early labor, and their son was born prematurely at just 24 weeks. Immediately after birth, their son was taken to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) for stabilisation before being transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Wellington for specialised care.

Upon arrival at the Wellington NICU, their son required continuous monitoring. Routine brain scans disclosed multiple brain bleeds, with one bleed raising concerns about a possible grade 4 severity—where bleeding extends into the brain tissues around the ventricles, potentially leading to significant long-term neurological impacts. The medical team has indicated that further scans will be necessary to assess his condition.

After discussions with the doctors, Bailey and Jolie were informed that, if all progresses well, their son would need to remain in NICU for at least ten weeks. In light of these events, this Givealittle page has been started to help alleviate the financial strain on Bailey and Jolie, enabling them to stay by their son’s side during this critical period.

Updates on progress will be provided as they become available.

Renee Sciascia's involvement (page creator)

Aunty of Bailey and sister of Baileys mum Miriam.

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used to cover Bailey and Jolie's ongoing household expenses and travel etc while in Wellington, ensuring they can remain with their son in Wellington during this critical time. Additionally, the funds will provide financial support for any unforeseen expenses that may occur and essential baby items that were going to be bought at a later date.

Latest donations

shane on 08 May 2024
Janice on 07 May 2024
Stay strong little one 💙
Josie Rangiahua
Josie Rangiahua on 06 May 2024
Love Nana Josie and Papa Lucky Rangiahua
Sharkarma on 02 May 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 May 2024
love you guys xx

Who's involved?

Renee Sciascia's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Renee Sciascia on behalf of Bailey Sciascia, Jolie Stothers & their 16 week prem son.
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This campaign started on 30 Apr 2024 and ends on 30 Apr 2025.