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Tippy the Tripod

$285 of $1,500 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in around 3 months

Tippy the Tripod needs your help for surgery on her leg!


⭐ Meet Tippy the Tripod ⭐

This beautiful girl is lucky number 10 from Cruickshank Road. Tippy is a beautiful Calico that is just one of the many young mums of this colony. Tippy has a very severe but old injury which has made her three legged. She has been to the vet where she was desexed, vaccinated and microchipped and her leg x-ray'd. It was found that Tippy still has her hock joint which indicates she was likely born impaired. The skin has grown over and calloused it, which means she uses it to get around - it sure hasn't stopped her from confidently and bravely scaling 8 foot fences!

Miss Tippy is a very placid and sweet girl. I can pet and touch her which means she has alot of promise in being socialised so she is a purrfect candidate for surgery.

The vet highly recommends that we amputate her leg higher up as she is putting weight on it when it is not designed to bear weight - it can cause her much pain and distress in the long term.

Surgery has been quoted between $1200-1400 and purrsonaly with how sweet Tippy is, you can't put a price on her happiness, comfort and quality of life.

She deserves it, and I can see that she is grateful to be saved.

Whatever you can give, it all adds up ⭐ A little goes a long way 🙏 Especially towards saving a vulnerable life. Thank you so much all.

Use of funds

Tippys Surgery and recovery

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 May 2022
Caroline on 16 Mar 2022
To help tippy
Caroline on 02 Mar 2022
For tippy
pam on 28 Feb 2022
Good luck, Tippy
MARY on 28 Feb 2022
Get well soon

Who's involved?

Rachel Aaltonen's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rachel Aaltonen
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This campaign started on 28 Feb 2022 and ended on 28 May 2022.