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Tough times

  • Marias Funeral

      6 September 2024

    Maria Packe Leonard was very special to us all.

    We are in the process of organising her funeral and need approximate numbers for catering and venue hire so here's a link to a google form to share and complete:

    We can't fix a date at this stage as it depends on John Patrick Leonards recovery.

    We understand that makes it difficult to commit but even if you think you might attend please complete the form.

    Spread the word on social media and wherever you think people who would like to attend will see it. 😀

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  • Update 27 August

      27 August 2024

    Well John Leonard is a fighter alright, he as come back from very close to death on several occasions.

    Currently he is still in ICU so still very sick but is on the mend.

    We have to limit the visitors so he can rest but he can read your kind words of support on his phone.

    Thanks to everyone for your continued support and kindness.

    We are moving to another phase for Maria Packe Leonard's funeral arrangements and will keep everyone informed once we have more detail.

    The givealittle donations have been much appreciated along with your kind words. John will not be able to work for a while while he gets stronger. Jed Leonard and Samuel Leonard appreciate you all.

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    • 28/08/2024 by Tricia

      Well done John. What a strong fighter you are.

      Keep it up. Tu Tangata. 😘

  • Update 21 August

      21 August 2024

    John Patrick Leonard is back in Wellington hospital and recovering fast daily. He had his first shower yesterday and a full shave head and face. He had two fantastic nurses with him yesterday these ladies are superstars.

    John has fought through the toughest fight of his life to be back with his boys and you all have helped with your support and kind words.

    We know and feel your support and will keep sharing your messages with John.

    John is on limited visitors just to enable him to rest when needed.

      14 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 21/08/2024 by Andrew

      So good to hear that John is on the road to recovery, great news.

    • 21/08/2024 by Iain

      John, your recovery is absolutely amazing -- what a fighter!!! We'll let you know if we're short for our final game this season at Bishop next week ;-)

    • 21/08/2024 by Rachael

      So happy that he is making such good progress and will be back with their boys ♥️

    • 21/08/2024 by Rosie

      What positive news, thank you for update.

    • 21/08/2024 by Phil

      Such amazing news! Absolutely heartwarming to read of Johno's incredible fight and great progress. Sending lots of strength and love. He's very lucky to have amazing, supporting, loving family like you guys.

    • 21/08/2024 by Maryann &Jimmy

      This is the best news ever ,

      You’ve got this John❤️

    • 21/08/2024 by Aaron

      Pass my best wishes on to John, its been a long time, far to long. Im so gutted for you and what you have been through. Tough times ahead, but you have a wonderful bunch for friends and two great kids to keep you pointed in the right direction. Keep looking forward !!

    • 21/08/2024 by Helen

      So good to hear such great news. Hopefully healing will pick up pace now that John and the boys are near each other again.

    • 21/08/2024 by Vanessa

      I just wanted to say these updates are wonderful. They bring me joy, thanks so much for including us in your journey.

    • 21/08/2024 by Tricia

      Such brilliant news. You are a strong fighter John. Recover and get back to your boys and life again.

      Such Aroha for you all. Kia Kaha.

    • 21/08/2024 by Christine

      Just delighted to hear this news. Wishing you all the best, with such a supportive family around you.

    • 21/08/2024 by Leonie

      Amazing news!

    • 21/08/2024 by Stephanie

      This is very exciting news for you all...... xxxx

    • 22/08/2024 by Bella Vita Hairdressing - Lower Hutt

      What a wonderful update to read midweek. Fantastic news. Maria will be watching over you all making sure you keep the fight moving in the right direction. Sending all your family much love and strength that you need to fully recover.

  • Update 18 August

      18 August 2024

    John Patrick Leonard has improved again today and is able to communicate fully with us using a letter board and lip reading. He was off the ventilator today.

    The doctors have started talking about him going back to Wellington. He's certainly one hell of a fighter.

    The boys were pleased to visit Maria Packe Leonard at the funeral home yesterday. John had a few tears today for Maria. We had some tears as well.

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 19/08/2024 by Sheryl Tunoho

      God bless that great for the boys and there dad

    • 19/08/2024 by Leonie

      Things are getting better and better! Great news!

    • 21/08/2024 by Barbara

      All the best John and I am so happy you have recovered and you have your boys there with you. It will be a very emotional time for you all during this sad time remembering Maria. Take care, Barbara Luxon

  • Update 13 August

      13 August 2024

    John is responsive and can communicate by nodding or shaking his head, he can shrug his shoulders and raise his eyebrows. He smiled and winked at the boys yesterday and squeezed their hands which was nice.

    While he's still mildly sedated he doesn't remember much about getting sick. But he does remember people and things like who was competing in the surfing at the Olympics.

    He's still in critical condition - still on dialysis to filter his blood and the ECMO machine to oxygenate his blood.

    Jed and Sam are much happier now they can talk to their dad, that's special.

      5 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 13/08/2024 by Natalie

      I don't know your family but I have been thinking about you all alot and I am so pleased to hear that John is improving. Sending you strength and well wishes from Hawke's Bay.

    • 13/08/2024 by Shannon Clifford

      This is encouraging news, thanks so much for the regular updates!

    • 13/08/2024 by Barb

      Wonderful news. It has seemed unreal that you have had such a hard fight Johno. Stay strong. 20 years as my PT - I'm hoping for a few more.

    • 13/08/2024 by Leonie

      Great news! xoxoxo

    • 13/08/2024 by Tricia

      A miracle. Wonderful news. You are recovering and on your way back to good health. Your boys will be so happy and lots of people all over NZ as well.

      Kia Kaha John. 😘

  • Update 11 August

      11 August 2024

    John Patrick Leonard was responsive today. He opened his eyes and responded to the nurses requests, he has a tube down his throat so can't speak but uses hand gestures to communicate.

    So the updates have gone from critical and stable to critical, responsive and stable.

    We will see him tomorrow and let him know he has a large following of well wishers. We thank you for that, it helps a lot.

      10 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 11/08/2024 by Natalie

      That's great news to hear, sending love and strength your way John. appreciate the updates.

    • 12/08/2024 by Helen

      So pleased that the updates are positive. Wishing John and the family the best of wishes. Kia kaha. Helen

    • 12/08/2024 by Barbara

      Such great news for the family.

    • 12/08/2024 by Rosie

      Good to hear positive progress. All our love to John, Jed and Sam and their wider family. Constantly in our thoughts 💕

    • 12/08/2024 by Maryann &Jimmy

      This is great news

      Praying for his full recovery❤️

    • 12/08/2024 by Andrew

      This is fantastic news to hear. Love from both Lauren and I to John and the family.

    • 12/08/2024 by Ra

      This is amazing news! Sending all our aroha. Kia kaha John!!!

    • 12/08/2024 by Tricia

      So very very pleased that John is awake and responding. Jed and Sam will be happy to see their Dad.

    • 12/08/2024 by Leonie

      Awesome news! So hopeful that this is the start of his recovery. Much love!

    • 13/08/2024 by Stephanie

      This is very exciting news - so good for the boys and all the family of course. xxxx

  • Update 10 August 5:15pm

      10 August 2024

    John had his sedation reduced today and has wiggled his fingers and toes, we had a happy nurse on the end of the phone with Jed and Sam. We are heading to Auckland on Monday.

    The boys and friends are off to the All Black game tonight against Argentina - a nice gift from New Zealand Rugby and the All Blacks.

    Everyone's support through this has been fantastic. Thank you.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 11/08/2024 by Tricia

      Such wonderful news. May his health keep improving. Deo Gratias. The boys would have been excited to go to the All Blacks V Argentian game. Too bad that the score was against us but the good news for their Dad would be the best ever. 😘💕♥️

    • 11/08/2024 by Leonie

      Great news! Hope the boys enjoyed the game - although not the outcome we were looking for! Love to you all - and John too! xoxoxo

  • August 8 at 9am

      8 August 2024
    Main image

    The doctors will have another go today at putting a one way valve in John's lung to repair a hole caused by his lung infection. That's scheduled for 10am.

    It was a short update from his nurse this morning - her name is Maria which is a nice twist.

    We have started funeral plans for Maria and will keep everyone in the loop regarding that. Have a great day whatever you are doing.

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 08/08/2024 by Rachael

      Thank you for keeping us updated, having a nurse named Maria is a lovely sign.

      Thinking of you all, kia kaha ♥️

    • 08/08/2024 by Rosie

      What a courageous ongoing battle. Feels like the whole country is behind the boys and their Dad. We are all praying so hard for better days ahead. All our love and strength to them now and in the future xx

    • 08/08/2024 by Tricia

      We are there for you all. A strong family needing our love, support and prayers. A Mass has been said for the family. Many remember John as a St Bernard’s boy. We have started a Novena for you all. 🙏♥️

  • Auckland update Wed 7th Aug

      7 August 2024
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    Update 7 August

    John is fighting hard. He had a procedure yesterday to repair a hole in his lung - the doctors put in a one way valve to repair a hole. He's on an ECMO machine that does the work for his lungs, and mid day yesterday they reduced the machine's input due to John's fight to beat this.

    Jed and Sam are coping day by day, they feel your love.

    Maria and John would be very proud of them.

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    • 07/08/2024 by Natalie

      Thinking of you all and sending lots of love ❤️

  • Off to Auckland

      5 August 2024

    Due to feeling so much love and support we want to keep you updated so you can be with us on this journey.

    John has been moved to Auckland ICU for specialist care.

    He has a machine doing the job for his lungs, he is also on dialysis to filter his blood of impurities.

    Johns vitals are stable but he is in critical condition.

    He has a great team of doctors and nurses by his side 24/7

    A message from his boys Jed (15) Sam (14). Thanks everyone for your kind messages of support and donations in this very difficult time, we appreciate you.

    Much love to you all.

      5 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 05/08/2024 by Barbara

      Stay strong John, we are thinking of you and the boys.

    • 05/08/2024 by Phil

      Really appreciate the daily updates and totally feel for you all going through this tough time. Sending lots of love and support to you all. C’mon Johno! Please stay strong and fight this! We are sending you strength and love 💕

    • 05/08/2024 by Bella Vita Hairdressing - Lower Hutt

      You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. xx

    • 05/08/2024 by Ra

      Thanks for keeping us updated! Kia kaha John and whanau. Ka nui to mihi aroha ❤️🐾❤️🐾

    • 07/08/2024 by Sheryl Tunoho

      Always prayers to you all

  • Update 4 August

      4 August 2024

    John was transferred to Auckland city hospital late last night. John took a step backwards yesterday and the doctors are concerned about his ability to survive another setback. Auckland has a machine that John needs to help his lungs, which have been compromised by his illness.

    The boys will head up to join John today.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 04/08/2024 by Rachael

      Oh my gosh, thank you for the up date, I hope he turns a corner for the better soon! Thinking of you all. Kia kaha whanau ♥️

    • 04/08/2024 by Alison

      I am thinking of you all and pray for John and the boys. What you are all going through is gut wrenching. I am so pleased the boys are going to Auckland as they need to be near their Dad.

  • Update

      3 August 2024

    Update 3 August

    John Patrick Leonard was taken off the dialysis machine yesterday, his kidneys are now filtering his blood and producing urine. All his vitals are improving.

    We are hoping to make 2 updates today with good news.

    Your support has been a guiding light.

    Their two boys are blown away buy how many people care and thats special.

    Your Aroha is felt in our hearts.

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    • 12/08/2024 by Stephanie

      This is awesome news....... so happy for you all xxxxxxxxx