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Tour Aotearoa 2018

  • Mission accomplished

      21 March 2018
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    I made it to Bluff after riding from Picton in 2 weeks. I'm happy to have achieved this goal, after recovering from illness in the North Island.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way. I couldn't have done it without you.

    Now I'm back at work and dedicated to our new road safety campaign, at

    Thanks for your support for better cycling, safer streets and better communities.

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  • Back in the saddle

      23 February 2018
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    I'm back.

    After falling ill a few days after leaving Cape Reinga, I've recovered and am restarting the Tour.

    I tested my legs yesterday over the Remutaka Trail. All is good.

    So on Saturday I'll ferry to Picton and head towards Nelson.

    Many thanks for all the messages of support. You can't keep a good man down.


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    • 23/02/2018 by Tessa Johnstone

      Yeah, go get 'em Patrick! Glad to see you're back in the saddle.

    • 25/02/2018 by Will

      Yay! Brilliant news, hope the legs keep strong! Text if you're still in Nelson

  • Bluff or bust

      8 February 2018
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    Tomorrow I travel to the Far North, and on Saturday at dawn I start the big adventure.

    Huge thanks to everyone for your support. I won't let you down.

    With your help, I've sorted my kit. Thanks to Craig for the GPS, Juliet for the sewing, Jeff for the headlight, Rowena for the ointment, Hannah and Dolores for the shuttle, and Jeanne for cable ties and the extra big bottle.

    Tonight I'll cook up a big batch of risotto for dinner and do a final pack.

    I want to share some good news. At yesterday's Go By Bike event in Wellington, Minister Julie Anne Genter made us a promise: "This government wants a paradigm shift in how we think about transport in our cities.

    Instead of simply focusing on how we get more cars through our city we will focus on moving people, whether by foot, by bike, by train or by car.

    We will prioritise transport investments that make our cities more vibrant, that create space for people, that improve safety, and eliminate climate pollution.

    And, we will significantly increase investment in safe urban cycleways right across the country."

    Wow! Never doubt that our advocacy for cycling, for better cities, for safer streets and healthier people is succeeding.

    See you on the trail.

    You can follow my progress at

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  • With a little help from my friends

      23 January 2018
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    With three weeks to go until my start date (10 February), I'd like to record my thanks to all who are helping me along the way.

    Last weekend Malcolm and I took the train to Paekakariki, then biked 50 km to Otaki Forks. Riding is more fun with a friend.

    Thanks to all who have offered me support - encouragement, gear, repairs, advice, accommodation and of course your generous donations to CAN.

    We're working on an ambitious road safety campaign, aimed at making sure we all get home safely.

    Pedal on,


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  • Summer riding

      11 January 2018
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    I hope you are getting out and about on your bike. I was lucky to grab half a day on the Timber Trail. One of the best in the North Island, I reckon.

    And thanks to Michael Cosgrove for taking me for a spin on the Great Lake Trail at Kinloch. Good times!

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  • Good to go!

      14 December 2017
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    Thanks Jonathan for the TA guides. I'll be relying on these to find my way from Reinga to Bluff. My sense of direction is pretty good, and I've biked much of the route before.

    Thank you to everyone who has made a gift. We've raised about $3000, well on the way to my target of $20,000. Every dollar help CAN work for better and safer cycling.

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  • Heat and hills

      7 November 2017
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    After CAN's NZ Bike Expo in Christchurch I grabbed a couple of days to ride to Akaroa - one of the few places in NZ I'd never visited. A lovely flat run from Christchurch to Little River, then the going gets tough. Living in Wellington, I'm not acclimated to Canterbury heat. I had to take a few rest breaks in the shade on the 470m hill. Great views from Hilltop over Akaroa harbour was the reward.

    What are your strategies for managing the heat?

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  • Is a bell necessary on a bike?

      6 October 2017
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    Behold my new bell. Highly recommended on bike trails and shared paths.

    This is a brass bell, made by Crane in Osaka, Japan. I love it. It rings for about 15 seconds.

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  • Challenge accepted

      29 September 2017
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    James challenged me to ride my favourite Wellington track on the aero bars. Scary! But it's to raise money to support CAN's unrelenting advocacy for cycling, so I'm in.

    If you have a crazy challenge for me, please get in touch.

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  • World Car Free Day

      22 September 2017
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    Thanks to the amazing, generous people who are supporting my efforts to raise funds for CAN. You are my tailwind as I prepare for the Tour Aotearoa. Pat yourselves on the back.

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  • My happy place

      15 September 2017
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    My day jobs are advocating for cycling, and teaching kids to ride. But when I need a break from the screen, I head out and ride the tracks just a few minutes from my Wellington base.

    These tracks through regenerating bush are hand-built by volunteers. It's a joy to clear my mind, hear the birds, and breathe fresh air.

    I'm looking forward to many, many more happy miles.

    What's your happy place?

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  • Tour Aotearoa 2018 update - 156 days to go

      6 September 2017
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    In just over 5 months I'll be lining up at Cape Reinga. I'll be joined by my trusty teammates Alan and Paul, with the goal of riding 3000 km to Bluff while remaining friends. We'll face the scorching sun, endless hills, headwinds, junk food and dodgy wifi.

    To prepare we've booked a few weekend rides.

    At Labour weekend we'll take the bus to Waipukurau and ride out to Herbertville. On the way we'll pass Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu, which translates into English as "the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as 'landeater’, played his flute to his loved one." Locals simply call it Taumata Hill.

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