Time to bring the trophy home playing the sport we all love and enjoy.
Christchurch, Canterbury
Men’s and Mixed Trans-Tasman Netball Series including the NZ Men’s Open, NZ Mixed, NZ Men’s U23’s, NZ Men’s U20’s.
Dates: October 11th-19th 2022.
This campaign costs over $100,000.00 of which more than 75% is self funded by players and management.
We are appealing to 20,000 of the 300,000 netball supporters, who enjoyed our recently televised series, to commit $2 each to our kaupapa to assist our representatives to participate in the highlight international fixture of 2022.
Help the current Cadbury Series winners bring home the Trans-Tasman Cup!
Tautoko mai, mā te huruhuru te manu ka rere!
The money will contribute to the costs of accommodation, court hire, travel, apparel, food, live-streaming, umpires and physio support.
Thank you 9 October 2022
E te iwi e ngākau nui ana ki tēnei hākinakina e mihi ana. On behalf of the NZ Men’s Open, NZ Mixed, NZ Men’s U23’s, and NZ Men’s U20’s teams we would like to say thank you for the support we have received so far. To date we have received a total of $4008 in 10 days and we are so grateful to every donor and their supportive messages.
As a brief update we have all arrived in Auckland to begin preparations for our series and are all very excited for the coming days.
To watch all of the action - links below for ticket purchasing and live stream information.
Finally please continue to spread the word as we still have a wee way to go before reaching our goal. Karawhiua!
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