TREVOR wants to stay in New Zealand!

$3,860 of $3,858 goal
Given by 30 generous donors in 7 days

This fundraiser helps me secure the funds needed to stay in New Zealand and pursue a long term approach to establishment my life here.

Whangaparaoa, Auckland

I have been offered a timely yet unexpected opportunity, that not everyone has the luxury of pursuing; a New Zealand Residency Visa.

After 3 years of Working Visas here in Aotearoa, I now have the opportunity to establish residency and I need your help. My compassion for New Zealand has grown deep roots since I first arrived and I’ve found my home and my love here. Everything I've partnered in and committed to rides on this Visa going through.

If you know much about my story, initially, coming here was not without sacrifice. But the biggest decisions in life seldom are, I simply wanted to make an impact however I could. To do the hard yards and be there for our younger members of our society, just as my mentors who were there for me in my adolescence. I want to continue to serve and mentor those under my care and one day build a family here in Aotearoa.

Why I need your help? To put it bluntly, this journey is not cheap! Those of you who have been involved in youth work, know what I mean when I say that it's not the most 'lucrative' occupation. Your generosity, along with your prayers, will help me overcome a big challenge in this unique opportunity of applying for my Residency Visa.

Use of funds

The funds raised go directly to offsetting the costs of legal counsel and application fees for this New Zealand Immigration process.

Latest donations

Andrew & Sophie
Andrew & Sophie on 16 Jun 2022
New Zealand wants you to stay too!😉
Trevor Fox

Awe, you guys are the best. I am looking forward to seeing you guys (and Mr Noah) very soon. Such a blessing.

Trevor Fox
Tim on 15 Jun 2022
You are the GOAT Trevor 👍🏾.
Trevor Fox

Dude, really appreciate your support mate. Thanks for helping out and showing some love from the KWS crowd

Trevor Fox
Bex on 15 Jun 2022
:) yay for Trev staying!
Trevor Fox

Haha, thanks Bex. Getting to stay means years of more amazing gatherings with yourself and Josie. How can immigration deprive us of that?

Trevor Fox
Jody on 15 Jun 2022
Awesome job you do - we love you, Boshoffs
Trevor Fox

Really feeling the love, thank you. Look forward to seeing you and the family soon! Hope you get some winter boating in this season

Trevor Fox
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jun 2022
Trevor Fox

Thank you very much for your donation! Be blessed!

Trevor Fox

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Trevor Fox
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This campaign started on 9 Jun 2022 and ended on 16 Jun 2022.